We started walking, there was a moment of silence between the two of us before he finally spoke up. "I want to apologize for how I acted, it was rude of me to say those things to you. I realize that I can't choose your friends for you and certainly not your family. I'm sorry, Rachel. Can you forgive me?" His expression was sincere and his eyes looked pleading, he had stopped me at the last part of his apology. I stood facing him in silence as I contemplated my response. The answer was clear to me, of course I'd forgive him, It was partly my fault as well but the fact that he owned up to it made him the most trustworthy person, in my books anyway. "Of course I forgive you..." Draco looked relieved but it was short lived when I spoke again. "...But...I can't let you take all of the blame I was also at fault. I shouldn't have overreacted. I'm sorry too" Draco grinned at me. "Don't be, I'm just glad you're not mad at me anymore, you can stop hanging out with Blaise now" He said with a little bit of sass at the end. I quirked a brow at him. "Excuse me?" "I was kidding!" He retaliated playfully. I shoved his shoulder lightly. When we arrived at the library I was going to bid him farewell but it looked as though he wanted to follow me in. "Are you staying?" I questioned him, I received a weird look from him in return. "I just figured I'd join you" He stated hopefully. "Oh" "Why what's wrong, did you want to be alone? If so that's fine and I'll just see you at lunch" Did I want to tell him I was studying with Blaise? I don't know how he'd react, I can't lie to him that wouldn't make me a very good friend.

"It's not that...it's just...I-I promised Blaise I'd help him with his history of magic and yeah, well" I kinda stumbled over that one didn't I? He looked slightly disappointed by this. "Oh well that's fine. I guess I'll see you later then?" "Yeah, okay bye~" I waved him off halfheartedly. Truthfully I felt bad for turning him away, right after making up with him too. I just hope he doesn't feel like I'm still trying to push him away. "Took you long enough" Blaise huffed jokingly as I sat down at a far table in the library. "Sorry I got caught up" I apologized. He gave me a questioning look. "With what?" "Ran into Draco" I informed him simply. I noticed him tense in his seat. "You alright?" I asked him. "Yeah it's just cold in here" He replied blankly. It wasn't thought but I shrugged it off anyways. "So you and Malfoy made up?" It was more of a statement rather than a question. "How'd you know?" "You called him Draco instead of Malfoy" He was quick to reply and rather blunt too. "Oh" I said simply. I hadn't realized that I was that obvious to decipher or maybe Blaise was just terribly good at observations.

"So what did you need help with?" I asked him, hoping the mood would improve with a different topic. "History of Magic" Blaise said bluntly. I chuckled at his response. "Yeah, I know that already, I meant specifically" He gave me a goofy smile. "This homework doesn't make any sense to me" I glanced at the worksheet we had been given about a week ago. It was due tomorrow and I had long finished it meanwhile he hadn't even started it. "Why didn't you ask for help sooner?" He scratched the back of his neck sheepishly. "I don't know, I was kind of afraid to ask" I rolled my eyes at him. "Such a fool" I tsk'd him. It was a joke of course and he knew that. "Well if it's foolish to believe that such a pretty girl might reject me if I asked for her help, call me a Ninny" I blushed at his unsubtle words 'I can't believe it he called me pretty' "Ninny" We both laughed earning ourselves a stern shush from the librarian. After 45 minutes of helping Blaise with his work it was time to pack up and head for lunch. Today being Halloween meant that Dinner would be filled with tasty treats for students to eat, unfortunately I didn't have much of a sweet tooth, all of that sugar was terrible for my fangs and I couldn't afford to damage them. I only had one set of fangs; my training fangs, my adult fangs wouldn't grow in until dare I say it puberty.

I was collecting my papers and notes that I had been letting Blaise look at while he collected all of his worksheet papers. I was startled by Blaise letting out a hiss of pain suddenly. I looked over at him to see what happened but it didn't take words to see what had occurred. Blaise was applying pressure to his finger, he brought it up to his mouth and sucked on it lightly. He was bleeding. 'Uh oh! Not good, not good' I mentally panicked as I caught a whiff of his blood. 'Mmm~ AB+ Wait! How do I know that? I shouldn't know that!' I began to sweat nervously as my mouth began to water. I wanted to look away before I did something I might regret but I couldn't. Just the sight of his warm thick blood made my instincts want to surface, I knew I had to fight them though. I must have looked like a wreck because Blaise noticed. "Are you alright? You look pale" His eyes held concern, he should've been concerned for himself not me. "Y-you're bleeding" Was all I could muster. It's almost as if I still didn't believe he was bleeding. He looked back down at his hand then back up at me. "Don't worry it's just a small paper cut, I'll live" He shrugged off nonchalantly. 'Not if you keep giving off that delicious scent' I thought to myself worriedly.

A vampire at HogwartsWhere stories live. Discover now