"Why? Why did you do this?" He yelled. I'm to speechless to even speak. Right now, I feel like I'm back in my fathers house. I haven't felt this scared in a long time. "TELL ME!!" I jumped. Tears filled my eyes. "Did you use me to get to him. HUH!" I jumped, slipping on his phone and hitting the dinner table.

"A-Austin please stop." I bawled. I can't take. I'm hyperventilating so much, my head feels like it just hit a brick. How can an eighteen year old make you so scared in your life. "No, anytime I was with you I would forget about him but that didn't mean I had feelings for you at all." I said stepping closer, suddenly not afraid.

Then I stepped back because I realized he was squeezing my arm. His grip was still there, tight. There was blood dripping from my hand. A lot. "Austin, your hurting me!" I yelled trying to get his attention. He slowly let go. To me, he looked horrified.

"Emma, I-I-I'm so sorry." He wailed.

"It's oka-" he cut me off, standing up from the ground.

"No it's not. Can you just go p-please. I'm sorry." He said guiding me to the door.

"Please keep in touch Austin." I whispered. Right when he shut the door, I slid my back down on the door and began to cry. Why do I always screw up everything? "It's not fair." I mumbled to myself about three times.


Im finally home. Again temporarily. I can't wait to see Zayn. I've been thinking about him for the past hour ever since I left Austin's. Wait. Austin. Zayn. Arm. Blood. Oh no. It can't be that bad right. I mean he's clueless to almost anything that happens around him. He won't notice. I slowly lift up my black sleeve. The blood was still fresh and the bruise was showing. Maybe he won't notice. I winced at the pain when I brushed on it. Slowly and securely, I slid my sleeve down and wrapped my arm tightly around it. I opened the door, quietly. Zayn and the boys were all there waiting for me to come. Boy, were they worried. Niall was pacing, Zayn was doing that cute thing with his lip where he bites it, Harry was running his hands through his hair, Louis the sassy one was saying all thee crazy things about how he's going to a freak out if I'm not here, and Liam was trying to be rational through all of this. I guess they didn't seem to notice I'm here. I walked through the kitchen. Or tiptoed I should say and got a bottle of water. It was cold and wet and of course, I just had to drop the bottle. "Emma?" The Irish boy said coming into the kitchen, which of course was Niall.

"I'm here." I said closing my eyes hoping they would disappear. But right when I open them there all looking at me crossing there arms. "What did I do"? All of a sudden they all start laughing. "Way to make a funny guys." I said walking away from them.

"Um, wait." And of course that voice was Zayn. He grabbed my arm and I winced. Great. Now he's going to ask me all these questions. And there all going to lead to Austin. "What's wrong." That's number one. "Who did this to you?" That's two. "Was it Austin, I'm going to kill him." And that's three. Now this is where I Come in.

"No your not going to hurt him. It wasn't his fault. He lost his temper." Zayn grabbed my arm again and pulled up my sleeve more blood was dripping on the floor.

"Look. This is what he did to you, Emma!" He yelled.

"I didn't even know it happened until I felt blood dripping on the floor!" I yelled back. Zayns face was now red.


"NO! IT'S BECAUSE IT'S NOT WORTH IT AND I'VE BEEN HURT WORSE THAN THAT, PHISCALLY AND VERBALLY AND YOU KNOW THAT ZAYN!" I said tears dripping from my eyes. My cheeks started to feel warm 'cause of the tears. I can't believe I said that out loud in front of everyone. All the boys had there mouths wide open and they were all full of anger now. Why did I spill that out?

DNA (Zayn Malik) fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now