Chapter 35

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The next morning me and August got up ordered breakfast, checked in with his mom and then got ready to go pick up Nathan from Ms. Hayes. I had the day all planned out, first we do a little shopping and then we go have some fun, go car carting, and to the arcade and then out to dinner wherever he wanted.

When we got there I rang the bell and Ms. Hayes opened the door for us and already ready to go was Nathan.

"Ready to go," I smiled at him.

"Yep," he cheesed.

"Well give me my hug and kiss first," Ms. Hayes opened up her arms and he ran and hugged her and she kissed him on his cheek.

"Bye grandma."

"Bye baby," she waved and he went running out the door with August.

"He's excited," Ms. Hayes smiled, "I'm glad."

"Me to," I agreed, "You sure your okay with me having him for the whole day?"

"I know he's in good hands. Besides this morning going out with you two was all he wanted to talk about. You guys have fun, you have my number."

I smiled at her one last time before making my way down the steps and to the car. First stop was the mall , August and him bonded over shoes and clothes. After buying himself a pair of shoes he bought the same pair for Nathaniel and a little tiny pair for Kaliyah. Next they both bought hats but my next suggestion was Michael's. Nathaniel didnt' understand why I wanted to go in there until I showed him the aisle of different markers, pens and pencils. His grandma talked about him being into art and comics and I loved that he was into art.

He bought all types of colored pencils, pens and sketchbooks and other things that would help him with his comic book and drawings.

After we grabbed a quick lunch and headed over to the go cart track. His face was lit up the whole time. He rode around the track three times before he dragged us to the Arcade. That boy had so much energy, so much and it made me thinking of Kaliyah.

Him and August were bonding and it was cute. It kind of made me think about how things would have been if I would have had a son. His little mini me running around behind me. I smiled at the thought. Maybe one day...


I haven't seen Kash smile and laugh this much in months. After tiring us out our last stop was dinner.

"I want to be a drawer," he told Kash.

"A drawer," Kash repeated confused, "You mean an illustrator?"


Kash laughed, "It's someone who draws pictures for a living."

"Yeah I want to be that," he smiled with his face stuffed.

"So what's your comic book about," I asked.

"It's about this boy who lives with his grandma, like me. It's a mystery about a boy trying to find out what happened to his parents. He digs to deep into stuff and he gets sent to jail."


"Yeah jail for like kids."

"Juvi," I corrected him.

"Yeah that and in there he becomes tough and he gets out he gets a crew together with different guys who are gonna help him solve the mystery of his parents disappearance, it's not done yet though I got a lot of work to do."

"Well when you done, send it to me and I'll look into getting it published," I told him.

He smiled wide, "You can do that?"

"August can do anything," Kash smiled at me and turned back to him, "And you can to and if you need ideas you can call me, write and Skype and Facetime."

"Cool," he smiled.

"But I think you should add some girls in your book," Kash smiled, "Like a girl named Kassie with a K with curly purple hair."

He laughed, "Like you?"

"Yeah," Kash laughed, "She can be strong and awesome and bad-as.. she wants to be."

I chuckled at her slip up and she elbowed me.

"I'll think about it," Nathan nodded his head.

"Well if you decide to make sure you give me my credit," Kash joked.

"And make sure all the main characters is black, white people got enough shit, I mean stuff."

Kash laughed and Nathan just looked at me holding out his hand.

"Damn," I cursed pulling out my wallet and realized I just cursed again, "I handed him two fives and he smiled before pocketing him.

"Like taking candy from a baby," Kash smiled at him and he agreed nodding his head.

We finished eating and then headed to Ms. Hayes to drop him back off home. By the time we got there he was knocked out in the back seat. I parked and turned to look at Kash who was looking back at him, watching him sleep.

"I think he had fun," Kash smiled at me and I smiled back at her.

"I think both of you did."

"Yeah," she yawned, "I'm tired."

"C'mon I grab the bags and you get him up."

She nodded and I pressed the button to pop the trunk. By the time I got all the bags out the trunk she was walking with him up the steps and ringing the bell. Ms. Hayes was soon enough opening up the door for us and we all walked in.

"Is this all his stuff," she asked motioning to the bags in my hands.

"Yea," I told her.

"You guys are going to spoil him rotten," she sighed.

"I'm trying to make up for all the years I've missed out on," Kash told her.

"And I think you have," Ms. Hayes smiled and looked over at Nathan who was passed out on the couch.

"He gon' sleep good tonight," I smiled.

"Good the boy always waking up at 7 in the morning getting on my last nerves, let me walk ya'll out."

She walked us to the front door and we said our goodbyes and we were headed back to the hotel. Kash had made it all the way upstairs, took a shower and as soon as he hit the sheets she was knocked out. 


**So there's like two, three chapters left. 

**I am working on editing the prologue of the third book and so I will be uploading it probably at the end of next week to give you guys some insight on how that book will go. So look out for that, it's called 'Nothing Lasts Forever'. 

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