Chapter 15

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  "Louis." His boss said and Louis glared at him.

"You can't just quit like that. You know the rules..." His boss said, making Louis roll his eyes.

"I did and thats how it will go. Sorry Max, but I am not interested. I have been a good employee of yours for ages and in the last few months, you have done nothing but pick at me. Point out small flaws! Just the other day you told me I wasn't wearing my hat in the right place and I got in trouble!" Louis said and his boss frowned.

"I know what your salary is Louis, and with what you received a month... You won't last a week without being here." His boss threatened with a smirk. Louis looked down and I smiled, taking Louis' hand in mine and entwining our fingers.

"Well he doesn't need you lot, because he has me. I will be leaving tomorrow, and my boyfriend will be joining me on the plane. So I suggest you start advertising for a new Peter Pan, because you just lost your best one." I said before pulling Louis away towards the hallway that lead to the employee rooms.

"You didn't have to do that..." Louis said blushing with a slight smile on his face.

"Of course I did. The jerk needed to know that he just lost his best Peter Pan ever." I said.

"No one has stuck up for me like that before... Why did you stand up for me?" He asked as he unlocked his door.

"I love you remember. Not going to let some ass speak to you like that." I said, earning a kiss on my cheek from Louis. I watched as Louis grabbed his suitcase from his wardrobe and put it on the bed. He soon emptied his wardrobe and put the clothes into the suitcase, placing picture frames, shoes, and random stuff into it as well. Once he was finished, he scoped around the room while I tried to zip his bag up.

"Lou... Sit." I said pointing to the suitcase and he chuckled, before sitting on it. I finally got the zip to move and soon the bag was zipped up.

"Have you got everything?" I asked and Louis looked around, nodding slowly.

"I don't see anything else." He said.

"Did you check your side table? Bathroom? Under the bed? Wardrobe? Anywhere that things could have fallen behind?" I said and he smiled at me.

"What?" I asked and he shook his head.

"Are you always worried about stuff like this?" He asked and I sighed.

"I have a 6 year old son. If you don't think of these things, no one will... Or ever see the item again." I said and he chuckled. We looked through the room thoroughly before coming to the conclusion that everything was packed.

"You don't have a lot of stuff..." I trailed off, as I took his suitcase off the bed.

"I tried to keep it to a minimum. In case of times like this one!" He said and I smiled, walking to the door.

"Come on then. Lets get this to my room and go find Jaden and them." I said and he smiled, taking my hand in his and shutting the door. We walked into the lobby to see his boss talking to the receptionist. Louis walked over to the desk and placed his key card on the table.

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