Chapter 2

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A/N: I have never been to Disney world Orlando so I have no idea how it looks. No judging guys, I am just writing what I think it will look like...

"Dad! Wake up!" I heard and slowly opened my eyes to see Jaden staring at me.

"We going down!" He said loudly and I frowned, looking out the window and smiling, seeing the airport in sight.

"Buckle up." I said pushing him back into his chair gently. I watched Jaden's face light up as he saw the plane coming into land.

"Where are we dad?" He asked and I couldn't help chuckle.

"Don't you want it to be a surprise?" I asked and he groaned before whining out.

"I want to know!!" He said and I smiled.

"We are going somewhere magic." I said and he frowned, thinking about what I meant. The plane soon touched down, rather bumpy if I must add, and came to a slow pace at it soon began to park. Jaden was bouncing in his seat with excitement and I just wanted to go back to sleep already. When we got the signal that we could stand up and excite, I waited patiently for most of the plane to empty. Once it settled down, I grabbed my bag that I brought on the plane with me, took Jaden's hand and we walked out the plane. I helped Jaden down the steep steps, not wanting him to fall, and walked into the busy airport. Jaden's grip on my hand tightened more and I smiled.

"Come on Bud, lets get our bags." I said dragging him to the converter belt where the bags were starting to come out one by one.

"There dad!" Jaden shouted as he saw his bag. I went over and took his off and handed it to him. We stayed there for a bit longer till I caught sight of my suitcase and we both made our way through the busy airport to the taxi's outside.

"Here sir, let me put your bags in." The old man from one of the taxi's said and I smiled as I helped Jaden into the taxi.

"Where are you both going?" He asked and I smiled, making sure Jaden couldn't hear.

"Disney." I said and the man smiled, nodding as I climbed in next to Jaden.

It was a 20 minute drive and the driver stopped a block away from it, just like I asked. Jaden and I climbed out, grabbing the bags and paying the old man and headed off towards Disney.

"Dad where are we?" Jaden asked looking around and I smiled seeing the gate coming up. I was about to say something when someone on a golf cart came speeding up to me.

"Hi, need a lift?" The guys asked and I smiled.

"Uh sure." I said as I saw he wore a shirt with the Disney logo on it. He helped us strap our bags to the cart before we got on. I let Jaden sit in the front so he can get the first view of the place.

"I'm Liam by the way." Th guy said and I smiled.

"Nice to meet you Liam. I'm Harry and this is my son Jaden." I said and he grinned as he began to drive to the gate.

"Will you tell me where we are?" Jaden asked Liam and I chuckled.

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