Start from the beginning

"Call me Rach" I insisted then remembered something "It sounds so similar to call me maybe "
With that, I started singing song in loud voice
" Hey I just met you
And this is crazy
But here's my number
So call me maybe
And all the other boys
Try to chase me
But here's my number
So call me maybe"

"Okay, Rachel, bye" she said
"No" I cried "You can't go! You are so sweet, unlike someone who is a burned up Ash and monster like creature! Hey, tomorrow we have a celebration for Nora's wining, you should come! Or I will come to your house and kidnap you" I warned her
"I...I will try my best to come" she assured
"If you are busy with something then atleast show your face and go!" I begged
"U..ya!" she smiled "Bye, see ya"
"Ta-ta" I waved my hand like a small kid. I turned towards Ash and said "I feel kiddi again"
He just looked at me and asked
"Burned up Ash?"
"Monster like creature?"
He started laughing and I joined him. He suddenly stoped and looked at me with... The word starts with A, you got 5 seconds to guess

No! It's not affection!

It's anger!
"How did you get a bacardi bottle?" he shouted

I grinned sheeplessly and said
"I may have robbed it from my brother's personal fridge" I answered

"And what is the last reason"
"To what?"
"Not having boyfriend?"

"Hmmm....I forgot" I thought a lot but didn't remember

He sighed "I won't tell your brother only on one condition - you'll call me whenever you sneak out"
"Okay" I smiled at his condition and murmured " I know you like me!"
"What?" he asked
"I know you -" with that I fell on ground
"Shit" he cursed and caught me before I could touch the ground with my face

He picked me up bridal style and started walking
"Where are going to take me! I don't wanna be kidnapped! I wanna see Paris, not go to a abandon house! I don't wanna be raped!" I saw him picking up my bag with his hand and balancing me. I took that as my work and took my bag from his hand

"What if you rape me! I don't wanna go with you. If you kill me, I swear I will become a ghost and find you-"

"Do you have a turn off button? I so need it now" he sighed "Why don't you sleep while I take you home?"

"No! I have a bad habit of only sleeping on my bed and nowhere else!" I cleared

I saw that we were now out of forest and a car was standing
He opened it and put me in passengers seat

"Ashey, why is only this seat called passengers seat? The people who sit back are also passenger" I asked

You know what he replied

He ignored me and went to driver's seat and drove the car
I didn't insist and started playing radio

Rolling in the deep by Adele was playing. I love that song
I started singing along and Ash gave me a glare so I changed the station

Unfaithful by Rihanna was playing. I just enjoyed the music because I loved it.

I saw my home running towards me with speed
I have such a talented house!
"It's not running towards you, we are going towards your house" Ashey said

"Did I say it out loud?" I asked
"Yes, you did" he answered
"Strange! I don't say out loud"

We made our way towards my main door
"Where is the key?" he asked
"Don't ask me! I am NOT helping you in your robbery plan! It's my home, why should I help?"
"I am not gonna rob. Just leave you till your room and go" he whispered
I handed my keys to him

"Take care of these delicate things" I faked a cry and giggled
We walked inside my house

"Wa-" I started but he cut me with his palm on my lips
"Shut up or you'll wake everyone up" his words were hardly heard

I lead him to my room with me continuesly tripping and him catching me

Once we reached my room and standing on the door frame I asked him to take out his shoes and keep it in special basket out of my room
"I don't like leg wears in my room" I reasoned

He did as he was asked and I kept my snikers in it too
We entered my room and I went straight to bathroom

I brushed my teeth and changed my clothes in closest then walked out, he was waiting for me sitting on my bed

"You sleep with your teddy" he looked amused and his hand held my baby from ears
I walked towards him and took my baby from his hand and hugged him to my chest
"Yes" I replied

"I will leave now" he announced
"Stay with me tonight" I suggested " Not for what you do with other girl which clearly is not my business but just...just sleep next to me. I don't know why I am asking you and I may feel stupid for doing this in morning but stay with me"

"I don't think that bed is enough for three of us" he pointed out

"My baby has separate pillow, covering and space which he can lend you tonight"

"Okay" he joyfully agreed
As soon as I thought that his expression changed back to blank
What was that!

I went to my closest and kept my baby there
I walked out to see him without his suit - which was lying on my dressing chair - and his tie was loosed up. I noticed that he was wearing grey suit with white button up shirt inside

"you are too hot to handle in this condition of your. You want me to lend you my clothes?"

Is alcohol that good confessing drink?

He smirked and answered "Your dresses are too small, I am fine. C'mon, we got to sleep or your head is gonna blast as soon as you get up"

I, being the mad I am, started to imagine how my head will blow
Like how as I get up my brain blasts and blood and pieces of my brain going everywhere in my room

"Stop imagining and sleep, Elle"
"Who is Elle?"
"That's it"
He walked towards me and picked me up then threw me on the bed

I remembered the night I was thrown by my father
All came hitting at once
I started crying

Ashton came to me with his face in pain, like he knew what I was remembering
I wonder if Ron had told him about it
" brother had told me once about it...I didn't remember" he slept beside me and held me in his arms
I caught his shirt and cried till I slept

I like this chapter a lot
What do you guys think?
Bye bye!
Taking your leave!
Take care of yourself, guys!!!!

Enjoy whatever part of day you are in..................................

And I promise you that they are finally gonna do something together


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