
Start from the beginning

" We need to get you some help on your cursing vocabluary bud." Dean laughed.

" Yeah." Sam agreed. You nodded. 

Cas blushed and looked at his feet.

"Breakfast?" Sammy asked and set a plate of waffles in front of you. 

"Yes please." you said. Castiel eyed your food carefully. 

" Wha?" you asked your mouthful of waffle. 

" What are those?" he asked. 

" Waffles... they're good. Try one." you said shoving a forkful of waffle into his mouth.  He chewed slowly before swallowing, his blue eyes becomming bright and child like. 

" They are the best." he exclaimed.

" Thank you!" Sam said bowing. Dean slapped him upside the head.

" Stop showing off." Dean grumbled shoving a forkfull of waffle in his mouth. 

" Stop showing off..." Sam mocked and made a face. 

"Shut up both of you." you snapped. 

They turned their heads towards you, and their eyes lit up.  "My gift first!" Dean yelled. 

" NO MINE!" Sam bellowed. 

" Get the hell out of my way I need to get my g-gahhhh!" Dean fell on his face as Sam tackled him.

" Over my dead body Dean, move!" Sam yelled.

Cas zapped out of the room and then zapped back in with all of his gifts. 

" Here you go, y/n. Happy birthday!" he said softly as the two brothers fought over who would get to the gifts first. 

You opened them one by one, each thing was beautiful and had true meaning. Like that beautiful leather notebook with the golden buckle you silently wished for to write all your hunting experiances in. And then there was all the new pairs of jeans you needed.  But most of all was the tiny box  you opened.  The box was decorated in sparkly silver wrapping paper and a red bow was placed in the corner.  When you unwrapped it and lifted the box open, in the velvet bedding was a beautiful silver necklace with a pair of black angel wings embeded with black diamonds, on the back of the wings had your name carved in it.  Tears welled in your eyes. 

" Oh Castiel... it's beautiful.." you gasped. 

" Yeah I understand. But its nothing compared to you." He grinned. You pulled him in for a hug before letting him put it on you.  You kissed him on the cheek.  

"Thank you, Castiel." you whispered.

"You're always welcome." he said back. 

" HEY HEY HEY!!! NO FAIR!!" Dean yelled as he scrambled back to us. 

" What?" you both say in sync. 

" Angelface got to you first!!"  He growled, before handing you a newspaper wrapped gift.

" Its fine Dean." you said and opened his gift.  It was a shirt. You pulled it out and on it, it read, Sweet as Apple Pie!  With a apple pie on the front.  You giggled and blushed. 

" I thought it was cute and funny like my sister." Dean said, his face getting red. 

" Awww Dean its great!" You laughed and hugged him. 

" MY TURN!" Sam bellowed and almost tackled you, with a hug. 

"S-Sammy!!" you grunted. 

" Here you go princess." he said happily handing you a pink glittery wrapped gift. 

You smiled and opened it. In the box was a new leather jacket.  It was black, and on the inside had your name embroidered in it. 

" y/n Winchester. Rings doesn't it?" Sam smiled. 

" Shut up Sammy the jacket was my idea." Dean said gruffly. Cas looked at me to the two brothers and shrugged. 

" Anyone want pie?" He asked and pointed to the table.  On it was chocolate and apple pie.  The chocolate pie had a candle in it. 

"Happy birthday sis!" Dean said. 

" Yeah Dean took all night to bake the apple pie. " Sam said grinning. 

" Shut up SAM!" Dean growled.  He raised an eyebrow at me, and shrugged. 

" Just don't look in the trash, I cried on how many burnt pies I had to throw away." he said simply. 

You laughed as they began to sing happy birthday to you. Cas lit the candle and you blew it out.  Cas pulled you in for a kiss. And of course Sam and Dean whooped and hollered. 

" Get some!" Dean said happily. 

You kicked your leg out and kicked him in the shin. Sam burst out laughing and fell to the floor. 

Yeah, you thought. This is the best birthday ever. 

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