Chapter 3

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Nick Fury pov

I was sitting in my office randomly going through random peoples files when I came across a very interesting one. It surprised me so much I thought my eye was going pop out of my head. It was a picture of a sixteen year old boy with a mischievous goofy grin on his face. The file said that he had been kicked out of numerous schools, ran away from many foster homes and families, he has stolen so much stuff over the years it could fill a department store. Then he was randomly seen around the world from the U.S. to Greece and Rome with other individuals. Instantly after reading I thought terrorist. So I called agent Romanoff to my office. I told her " I want the avengers in the conference room as soon as possible. Make sure Stark is there on time I don't care if you have to drag him do you understand me?" She replied " Yes sir." and left my office I think it is going to be an interesting few days with this Valdez character.

Sorry sort chapter I couldn't think of anything else to put for nick so I just went with it. Thanks for reading.

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