But it went the opposite way. Of course.

Alice decided she would change her look because she felt Trevor left her as she was a "nerd". Great mind. As much as I wanted her to be happy, I didn't want her to change her look. I persuaded her not to do it or blame herself but she is really stubborn.

People can be so stupid sometimes. I knew one thing at least. Even in the 21st century with awareness building and people becoming more woke, some things would remain the same.

People obsessing over good looks. It was an inherent thing and wouldn't ever change.

And she eventually did it, of course. She got rid of her glasses, lost the extra weight and braces and got a full makeover. Baggy clothes got replaced with glamorous and fashionable clothes.

She became what us teenagers normally say, popular and started mixing with the jocks and the cheerleaders. She stopped spending time with me and started spending more time with her new gang of friends instead. I had doubts she read a book here and then but didn't speak much about it. Well, we didn't speak much to each other overall.

Now she was one of the most talked about girls in our school while I had remained the same. But yes, I did get rid of the braces. I was that type of person who was somewhere in the middle rung. People did notice me because I was Alice's carbon copy afterall but their attention shifted when she came into the picture.

She was basically an upgraded premium version of me.

We soon started drifting apart further. We stopped talking as Alice was busy changing and bedding boys faster than I could blink. She simply ignored me in school and pretended she didn't have a sister. First, I was hurt. Then, I grew indifferent.

Now we were just classmates slash housemates. We didn't hate each other, of course but we weren't sharing our deepest secrets to each other.

We didn't talk at school. She had her friends while I had mine. Guys fawned over her and usually didn't come towards me. Even if they spoke, its because they needed her number or information about her else, they wanted notes from me.

That was partially the truth though.

Afterall, she was my twin sister and few guys did ask me out but somehow none of the boys at our school seemed intriguing enough. They were simply chunks of beefy flesh who didn't know the capital of our country if you asked them. The ones who did were more interested in their books or sports rather than dating. Also, all my friends were girls and everywhere around, I seemed to be surrounded by girls.

I have already told mom she should be prepared for her future "daughter-in-law" by the rate I was getting familiar with girls and getting alienated by the male species.

So, no boys for me at my school. Some were simply creepy, some were desperate and some were better off as friends whom you called once in a year to wish on their birthdays.

I had my share of crushes, sure. But they were temporary. I never had any permanent crush. Yes, I would acknowledge some boys as hot but that's it. I didn't have any diaries or didn't stalk anyone.

Sometimes, even though I wouldn't admit, it still stung. It pricked to see my sister so distant and people randomly falling in love with everyone around.

Alice and I did speak at home but it was the usual "Do the dishes or laundry because its your turn".

We lived in totally different worlds. And I had grown used to it.

So, it was a shock that she came to my room and was speaking so nicely to me.

"What do you want, Alice?" I repeated, sighing, "I am trying to learn something."

"Fine. It will be quick," She huffed, "Alli, I need a favor from you. More like a request. An important one. I swear if you do this, I will do your homework and clean your room for a month," She folded her hands with a worried look.

Danger sign.

"You really sound desperate. The guy must be something, huh? Okay, what's the name of the guy? Whom do I have to persuade for you?" I said, yawning and opening my glasses, massaging the bridge of my nose.

There was nothing interesting to talk with her anymore.

It wasn't that I judged her for wearing better clothes than me or having too much sex. She could do that, of course if she wanted it. But she didn't do those because she loved it (at least initially). She did it to prove a point, she wanted to blend in with the relatively known groups because of some bizarre misconception about some stupid boy.

Despite being twins, I was clearly the smarter and more mature twin, you see.

But then again, I would admit it was not her fault wholly. I stopped trying and making an effort too after a very short amount of time where I should've been more caring and nurturing. I knew I was kind of arrogant and uptight about everything.

I still was. I judged people a lot, I admit.

"Well, actually...." She giggled nervously, pushing a strand of hair behind her ear.

"Spit it out, Alice. What do you want?" I asked impatiently. I hated it when people spoke in circles. I would prefer spitting the truth out directly on the face.

"I need you to get rid of a boy by posing as me," She blurted out.

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