“Listen, those ladies will take any excuse to cook. Really, you’re doing them a favor.”

Arabella smelled the food as soon as she walked in. The whole house smelled wonderful and nauseating at the same time. The nauseous part was completely just her, though. She couldn’t stand the thought of eating. 

“It won’t be ready for another 45 minutes” he said, “I’ll introduce you to everyone!”

Her hands got a little clammy. Although she had been more confident lately, she was still an extremely shy person. She didn’t really have any choice but to follow him into the kitchen.

“You’ve already met my mom, and this is my Grandma” he let go of her hand and hugged the old lady. Arabella didn’t see her grandparents much. Her dad’s parents both died when she was young and her mom’s parents lived in Oregon. Tyler’s grandma was a short lady that moved around with a walker. Arabella spotted a wheelchair in the corner, too, but it was obvious his grandma hated it and only used it when she was told and guessed that was part of the reason she lived with them. Though she had a walker and a tube in her nose, her short hair was styled perfectly and she wore bright red lipstick paired with a bright floral shirt and stylish jeans. Arabella liked her immediately.

She gave Tyler a big kiss on the cheek, leaving a lipstick mark. he groaned and pretended to be annoyed but smiled anyway. She let go of him and walked over to hug Arabella, forgetting the walker. 

“Congratulations! That is just fantastic. I am so happy to finally meet you.” She sounded exactly like the southern belle Arabella was sure she was.

“I’m happy to meet you, too” she said honestly, feeling close to her already.

A small blonde girl with big, blue eyes ran in and latched onto Tyler’s leg. “You must be Emma!” Arabella said, delighted. Tyler had told her all about his six year old little sister and Arabella loved kids. His parents were high school sweethearts and had gotten married and started a family early. Even though their oldest was twenty three, they were only forty four.

“Yeah” she said quietly and smiled a toothless grin, shyly pressing her cheek to Tyler’s leg.

“Hello Arabella” said Mrs. McKinney. The smile was evident in her voice, but she was busy at the stove so Tyler took Arabella to the living room.

Two men and two young women were sitting on the couch watching a football game. They all looked up when Arabella and Tyler walked in.

Tyler introduced them as his big sister Molly, big brother Tucker, Tucker’s girlfriend Sara, and his dad. Molly was the oldest child and was twenty three. She had long, curly brown hair and was dressed comfortably in jeans and a loose blouse. She seemed confident, but in a quiet and relaxed way.

Tucker was obviously the trouble maker in the family. He had buzzed brown hair and the same mischievous grin as Tyler, but it was on his face much more often. Arabella assumed the two of them got into a lot of trouble when they were little.

Sara was naturally tan with dark hair tied up into a simple ponytail. She looked as though she might have some Indian heritage and managed to look stunning in jeans and a sports team sweatshirt.

Last was Tyler’s dad. He had short, brown hair and Tyler’s height and jaw line. While everyone else in the room was cheering and chatting about the game, he was watching quietly and intently. Arabella could see where Tyler got his calm demeanor.

They all greeted Arabella warmly. Tyler sat down on the couch, pulling her down with him and slung an easy arm around her shoulders. At first she was uncomfortable with the small display of affection around his family, but nobody looked twice. 

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