Chapter Three: Viridity

Start from the beginning

At long last, his hold loosened and I jerked my arm away, shrugging a poised stance into place. "What was that about?" Forven simpered innocently and I continued, expression blank. "You know precisely what I am speaking of."

A chuckled morphed into a curt laugh. "So you do not accept that I have taken your investigation from you? Believe me, it will not get out of hand."

"Out of hand?!" I exclaimed, restraint escaping me. "The note I found was undoubtedly intended for me. No one else would have seen it upon that table and you know it as well as I. Whether my adar decides to see sense or not, I understand its intentions."

"I understand as well, Legolas. Just let me see the note."

I ripped the paper from my belt, holding it out to Forven who took it calmly. "I've already told you what it said."

"Yes, but have you really thought about what you've been reading?"

"It says 'Death to the King.' What more is there to that statement?"

Forven shrugged indifferently. "Perhaps that this may not be an intended murder note? It could simply be an upset elf who wants his opinion known."

I shook my head and spoke before Forven could continue. "And somehow I doubt it. If this is what you think, then would you explain precisely why you assisted in gaining authorization to search for the culprit?"

"Because" Forven said slowly, "if you would let me speak more than what one breath capacitates, I believe we should be wary. One traitorous voice may multiply and even become more lethal. Before we know it an entire rebellion may spring upon us, being based entirely upon a single lie."

Forven's words brought a sudden calm upon me, and I quieted. Perhaps I should learn to put more faith in those around me. "I see... Goheno-nin, gwador, I allowed my temper to rise. You are right."

"When am I not?" Forven smirked. "I've had practice in every other hundredth time your head has caught hold of your actions. Now," he continued, "I expect that you won't allow yourself to be barred from this investigating?"

"Not in a millennium."

"Right then. Your father and Cirfan are the only two who know this and Crifan is unlikely to tell and your father will likely remain oblivious. Still, you'd best keep quiet and not go anywhere out of the ordinary unless I'm with you. I might even arrange my own duty's schedules to align with yours for however long this takes."

I laughed bemusedly. "The schedule I give you?"

"We both know what you give me is a guideline. Elbereth help me, I had at least five duties in need of attendance over the last hour and yet you summoned me."

"Perhaps they are more goals of duty that I hope you might one day attain."

Forven's step dropped behind me. "Ai," he said, "you forget so quickly who was apart of the guard's ranks first, don't you?" He walked back into my line of sigh, fingering an arrow that undoubtedly had come from my own quiver. "This time, I did get clearance from your adar to head an investigation, which means I am technically in charge of whatever you do."

"Elbereth help me, we face a true threat, Forven. You could act like it." My eyes traveled back to the arrow in his hands. "Why are you holding an arrow?"

"This arrow?" He raised an eyebrow. "Believe me, I am taking this quite seriously. In fact, this arrow proves my point quite sufficiently. Does it not demonstrate some amount of carelessness on your part that I managed to take an arrow from your quiver without you so much as flinching?"

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