Chapter 15 - The Nest

Start from the beginning

The saying goes - The way to a man's heart is through his stomach, correct? So I spent the rest of my morning baking and decorating the oreo cupcakes. I noticed Lewis didn't eat much usually, so I took only 3 from the batch I did and packed them into a small cake box. I sincerely hoped he doesn't hate cupcakes. I left the rest on the kitchen island for the pack members to share. Our little wolfs would love them.

I showered and changed into my usual jeans and plain t-shirt, then asked Megan for her car. Keys - checked. Cupcakes - checked.

I hopped into her black Cadillac and got on the road towards his pack. The scorching heat in the middle of the afternoon got me pulling the car roof down. In the comfort of her car, I blasted the radio when one of my favourites came on.

"Oh we'll go where nobody knows, with guns hidden under our petticoats..!" The 1975's Chocolate got me jamming to the indie music. I'm dying for a road trip. Maybe I should tell Megan about it for our summer break.

I pulled up to the royal pack's driveway and parked the Cadillac at the far end. It felt like a long trip, but not long enough. My palms began to sweat just from the thought of seeing Lewis.

Hyperventilating, I approached the main gate of their mansion, shaking a little. They had guards stationed outside. Right.. I mustered the most innocent look I could and requested for entrance.

"What's your business here girly?" Beefman shot daggers at the cake box, as if they were some weaponry waiting to detonate. I ignored his scrutinizing glares and replied nicely, "I'm here to see the Alpha prince. Lewis." Please please let me through...

"Your name and pack?"

"Victoria Dunham. Rising crescent." I reported. He spoke through his walkie-talkie a few times.

"He isn't expecting anyone by the name of Victoria Dunham." Beefman eyed me more suspiciously now. I have an intense need to elbow this guy in the face. But I don't want to get arrested.. That would be downright embarrassing.

I put on my best fake grins and waved my phone in front of the guards. Once at a safe distance apart from them, I called Lewis. No one picked up. I tried again. Tapping my feet impatiently, I scanned around, praying to spot someone who can help me enter that damned heavily guarded place.

And the Lord is good. Exiting through the side doors was Keith. I went over and tapped his shoulders. He twisted around and looked stricken to see me.

"V-vicky.. What-t are you doing here??" His tone chimed gravely, like I wasn't welcomed here. I mentally scoffed.

"I was just-.. Keith..?" I cocked my head to see his face from under. His head was currently hung low with his thumb and index finger clamping tightly on the bridge of his nose. It was as if he was making a life-and-death decision. When he finally looked up, I was all ears. "Come on Victoria. I have something to show you."

Victoria..? Keith never calls me that. What's with this weird feeling in the pits of my stomach..?

Since he stayed in the mansion, of course the guard let us through without any questions. Though Beefman looked like he could tail me from the shadows just to make sure my cupcakes won't reduce the whole place to ashes.

Swift as a cat, Keith went through the mansion easily, which I'd preferably call a labyrinth. I widen my strides to match his urgent steps. I noticed the corridors here were dimmer than the outside. He stopped abruptly and I nearly tripped over him.

"I know about you and Lewis." I gulped loudly with his back facing me. Something told me he knew more than that. "And.. I'm sorry." What..? Before I could ask him what he meant, "Fifth room on the right." He said solemnly. I looked down the corridor to see light pouring out from the door gap of the fifth room Keith indicated. What's he playing at? I approached it cautiously and looked back to see Keith glued to the same spot at the junction, unmoved. Remorse written all over his face. I peered through the gap curiously.

I saw the shadows of two person initially, then a woman. My mouth went wide when she started kissing a guy on the couch she was leaning over. She was pretty with her short caramel brown hair and pale blue eyes.

The man she was with, his face blocked by the woman, flipped her down to the couch and his whole front now exposed to me.

.....Lewis?? How could he?? He was feeling up the girl and kissing her neck! How could you Lewis?? So you didn't picked up my calls because you were busy making out with another girl?

I was hurt. I was mortified. I felt cheated.. although we were never together. And I was angry. Furious. My eyes narrowed into slits and my body quivered with so much negative energy I thought hellhole was sucking me in to the other side.

The woman moaned out sensually. Not planning my next move, I was about to push the door open. But I only touched air. I was snatched back forcefully, causing me to gasp and a hand came around to cup my mouth, silencing me.

"What are you doing?" Keith whispered angrily once he rounded up a corner with me in tow, far away from that room. "What happened in there?" Though many kind of negative emotions were warping inside me, I was numb. Very numb.

"They were kissing." I replied without batting an eye.

"What?! I didn't expect.. God I'm so sorry Vic." He went on, still in a low whisper, "My team and I were appointed bodyguards for the noble lady you saw inside during her stay here. I was supposed to be stationed further down as her protective detail but happened to.. overhear their conversation.." He chose his words with utmost care, as if avoiding stepping on land mines.

But of course. A noble-born, befitting for a prince. What was I expecting? That he would stoop so low for me? What a bloody fool I am, thinking he would be any different.

Just then, my phone lit up, with Lewis's contact showing on the screen, and I switched it off in seconds, disgusted by his name.

"Victoria.. look at me." He cradled both side of my face but I couldn't look at his pitiful stare. Shrugging him off, I strode further and dumped the cupcakes into the bin. I let out bitter laugh inside my head. Nothing but lies.

Keith beside me asked, "Are those.. for him?" At the reminder of my folly, my knuckles turned white and a portion of my fury seeped through me. My dangerous silence needed no more prompting, for he assumed a yes for an answer.

"That asshole don't deserve you," His temper seemingly to have aggravated from my influence, he turned on his heels as he finished, "he will get it from me first!!"

"Don't you dare lay a finger on him." My hands now tightly around his wrist.

He's mine to deal with.

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