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A/N: Did I just...do we have...100+ votes? Yes. Yes we do. Thank you so much!

March 9th 2016

Dear Arizona,
There are bruises decorating my body, I like pressing them though. Thanks daddy.
My grandmother is always about three meters away from me, sending me glares that stab me right in the heart - but I've learned how to fake a smile. It's so simple, really.
Aviva causes butterflies in my stomach, sometimes I choke a bit. But it feels good, right.
Thor sees me staring at her sometimes, he gets a bit mad and blushes. He's cute.
I noticed that I have a thing for girls with nice hair. I don't like it when it's shiny. It should be dry.
Braids are nice.

I cried today, I broke down. I could feel my binder getting loose, I could also see it before - that the fabric was tearing.

I have no binder. Now they're just there. I want to cut myself all over them. Let me feel the pain, because I've been cursed with this. And it's all my fault my dad's palms have to be red. It's all my fault his fists have to bleed. It's all my fault that my mom is crying, but I promise, I can hide it.
Just for now.


A/N: ☁︎ Don't forget to vote and comment, thank you so much! Have a wonderful day. ☁︎

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