TBNGBWALSP...Chapter Nineteen

Start from the beginning

Seth nodded, "I have to...I have to return your jacket remember," Seth spoke raising his eyes brows, a smirk spread across his lips.

I rose one of my eyebrows at him, "You planned that didn't you," I accused him, a smile spreading across my lips as well.

Shrugging innocently, a smile continued to play at the edge of Seth's lips, "The world may never know," He told me with a smile, "Now head inside quickly," He told me. Nodding, I slowly turned away from Seth, only to glance back at him a moment later, which earned soft laughter from Seth's lips, "Before the night ends darling," Seth laughed lightly.

Feeling my cheeks burn at his words, I bit onto my bottom lip, brushed a strand of hair behind my ear, and practically skipped towards my front door. When I reached it, I turned, and smiled when I saw Seth standing there still watching me. Waving lightly, I quietly made my way into the front door, and shut the door behind me.

Taking  a deep breath, I sighed relieved when my dad wasn't anywhere in sight, and quickly made my way up to my bedroom.

Once my bedroom door was shut tightly behind me, and it was locked, I slid my dress over my head, and let it fall to the ground only to be accompanied by my bra and panties a moment later. Grabbing my bath towel, I wrapped it around my body tightly, and quickly made my way out of my bedroom, and into the bathroom.

Turning the water on hot, I decided on a bath, and waited as the water slowly filled the tub. When it was roughly three fourths full, I climbed in, and sighed as the water engulfed my body

After laying around in the tub for some time, as the water turned cold, I rose to my feet quickly, and stepped out onto the tile floor. Shivering lightly at the invading air, I quickly grabbed my towel in my hands, and wrapped it around my body.

Quickly hurrying back into my room, I felt my teeth begin to chatter by the time I shut the door behind myself, and hurried to pick out something to wear. 

After pulling on a pair of Sofie shorts, and a long sleeve cotton shirt, I curled up on my bed, a blanket wrapped around my body, and pulled out my sketch book.  Before I knew what was happening, I was off in my own little world, drawing.

After a good thirty minutes, a knock fell on my door, which had me sitting up straighter in my bed, "Come in," I spoke, not dragging my eyes away from my sketch.

Hearing the door open slowly, the sound of a  clearing throat had me looking up at where my dad stood in the door way, "How was Mel's?" He wondered, leaning against the door frame.

Smiling, I instinctively flipped my sketch pad over, hiding my drawing from my dad's most likely curious eyes, and placed my hands over it, "It was nice, like always..." I spoke, shrugging.

My dad nodded slowly, "How are her parents?" He asked, running his hand through his hair.

"Good, nothing new really," I explained to him. Nodding again, my dad shifted on his feet. "Is there something you need?" I wondered, raising an eyebrow at him showcasing my curiosity.

My dad cleared his throat, and stood up straight, "Oh...um, no, no, I'll let you get back to drawing," My dad spoke almost sounding uncomfortable.

"Did Della leave?" I asked him quickly before he managed to leave.

Turning his attention back to me he nodded, "Yeah, she did," He told me.

Nodding I smiled at him, "Oh, okay," I mumbled, realizing now my dad's sudden boredom, and his urge to have a conversation with me.

My dad nodded, turned around and left, shutting the door behind himself.

After hearing his footsteps pound downstairs, I slowly flipped my sketch pad back over, and couldn't help but smile as my eyes ran over my drawing of Seth. Staring at my drawing for a moment, I couldn't help but feel like I wasn't doing him any justice, because I knew the real thing was so much better than I could ever lay out on paper.

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