Unexpected Caller

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The week continued on as they do; slowly at first, then by the time it got to Wednesday and everyone was just about ready to crawl into a corner and cry it started to pick up pace. Liam hadn't spoken to Brett since he'd seen him Monday, and if he was honest, he was actually starting to question whether or not Brett had decided to go back on his decision to try make a new start with him. Now that he thought about it, he hadn't seen him around at all- could Brett have decided to go back to Devenford?

It was in that moment his concentration returned to the class at hand- maths...he hated maths. The teacher was going on, and on, and on: you could see just why Liam's mind had started to wander in the first place. Suddenly, Liam's text alert went off

'Shit, I can't believe I forgot to silence it, again' he thought to himself as his face started to go a rather odd shade of pink.

"Anything that you care to share with us all Mr. Dunbar?" the teacher asked in a particularly monotone voice.

"No...sorry" Liam replied, reciprocating the monotone, making it abundantly clear that he didn't appreciate her making a big deal out of an accident.

"Then don't let us all know about it in future."

He immediately dismissed what she had said and his face began to turn back to his usual pale white colour, he then checked his phone: it was a text from an unknown number;

Unknown: " Hey you :) "

'Who the hell is this?' Liam hadn't given his number to anyone new in ages, in fact, the last time he gave his number out was when Scott started helping him to control his shifts, he had no idea who it could be and, therefore, passed it off simply as a wrong number.

Liam: " Hi, I think you may have the wrong number. Who is this? "

He didn't have to wait long for a reply, mere seconds after he had sent the reply his phone vibrated.

Unknown: " Nah I don't think so, I've got this from a reliable source but I won't tell you who I am just yet, where would be the fun in that? I want you to play the game "

'Okay, this isn't creepy at all, is it stranger'

Liam: " Look I'm not playing your so called game, tell me who you are or I'm going to block your number "

Unknown: " Fine, spoil-sport, it's Brett- you know the hottest guy in town "

'Speak of the Devil and he shall come right? In this case think of the Devil' Liam thought to himself somewhat perplexed as to how Brett had managed to get his number.

Liam: " Idiot. Could you not have just said it was you and not bothered with the whole I'm a creepy-ass stalker routine? How did you get my number btw?"

Brett: " I have my ways. A magician never reveals his secrets n' all that "

Liam took a moment to think about who could have given Brett his number, only a handful of people had it so this narrowed down the options considerably. Brett couldn't know about Scott and the other, he hadn't seen him with them in the few short days he'd been here which left only one other possibility...Mason.

'You little shit- that's it I am actually going to kill you: first you destroy my record and now you're giving out my number!'

Liam had explained to Mason that Brett had said he'd wanted to get to know him properly but that didn't give him the right to hand him his number. So he texted him.

Liam: " I'm going to seriously kick your ass! Not human kick your ass, full on werewolf kick your ass!!! "

Mason: " And I'm going on a date with Olly Alexander. You can thank me later ;) "

' The little shit, what is he getting at, "you can thank me later" and what is with the winky face '

He decided that he wasn't going to respond to Mason and his obvious, over-bearing, sarcasm he moved onto the more pressing question of what it was Brett wanted.

Liam: " I know it was Mason who gave you my number smart-ass: what you want anyway? I haven't seen you around. Was beginning to think you'd gone back to hating me "

Brett: " No no no, I've just been busy that's all. It's actually about that, I was wondering if maybe you wanted to come to a party with me? It's okay if you don't, I'd totally understand "

Liam began to creep back into that strange shade of pink he'd gone earlier...he was blushing... in the middle of maths class. It wasn't exactly a subtle transition either, people had noticed and began to whisper, but luckily the bell rang to mark the end of the class and it was almost as though it had never happened, people moved on- saved by the bell, literally. 

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