Lunar Pull

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Liam had gone straight home after school, not that there was especially that much else he could do; Liam was a bit of a gym freak- he spent quite a lot of his free time in the gym, whether that was alone or with Mason. Now, Liam loved Mason's company, however, he could get easily...distracted by other things- these things being the great many semi-naked, well toned, sweaty guys that were there to work out. This isn't to say that Liam minded, if he was honest, Mason's lusting was a source of great entertainment for him but some days he just wanted to work out on his own. So this is what he did, he packed a go bag and headed to the gym. After about an hour he heard his phone buzz

Mason: "Hey man, where you at?"

He took a moment to decide if he'd had enough and responded

Liam: "hey, just hit the gym, headed home now. Why?"

Liam picked up his towel and dried off his face when his phone buzzed again,

Mason: "Don't move, I'm on my way"

'ugh great' Liam thought.

Liam: "fine, how long you gonna be?"

There was no response and when Liam had had enough of waiting for a reply he headed towards the reception area. He had no idea what compelled him to look in the mirror that he was walking past on his way out but what he saw surprised him.

Brett was there in the gym, Liam may have thought that there was something suspicious going on but then he set eyes on Brett's body- he had clearly been to the gym quite a lot since he'd seen him last at Devenford. He was slender but looked as though he could take on a rhino and win. He had a perfectly formed chest, his abs were perfectly defined and his v lines looked sharp enough that you'd cut your finger if you touched them, and this may have been exactly what Liam needed to snap him back to the world; without realising it Liam had found himself carefully examining, in great depth, every detail of Brett's upper body to the point where he could identify each little sweat bead on his body: including the one he was currently tracking, it rolled down from his abs before eventually reaching the waistband on his black short.

"Hello! Earth calling Liam!!!" Mason almost shouted. Liam jumped to attention, along with a few others in close proximity

"Jesus, shit, what the hell man? How long have you been standing there? And how did you get here so quick I just got your text saying you were on your way" Liam cried, trying to recover from the scare his friend had given him.

"Dude that was like 10 minutes ago, are you okay?" a puzzled looked made its way onto Mason's face.

'10 minutes? What the hell? Surely it can't have been that long. I literally just stopped for a minute to confirm it was Brett. If it had been that long does that mean he could have seen me staring at him? Shit what if he did?' Liam thought to himself, becoming more and more panicked.

"Yeah I'm fine, what's up?"

Mason turned his head back to Liam after looking at a guy walking past "oh yeah, dude, I need you to stay cool but..." the pause quickly annoyed Liam and this was obvious by his face "Brett's come to Beacon Hills High!"

Liam exhaled with disappointment and relief. The puzzled look on Mason's face only grew more puzzled.

"I thought you were going to tell me something like you'd scratched that limited edition vinyl that I loaned you to impress that guy! Yeah, I know I saw him"

Mason suddenly went quite sheepish, "yeah about that..."

"Oh no you didn't, tell me you didn't! Ugh this is why we can't have nice things. Well you're in luck I don't have the energy to stay mad at you, I just want to go home and play video games, you coming?"

It was an offer Mason, naturally, couldn't refuse so with that they walked out the door and Liam was left to think about his little staring incident and questioning just how he'd managed to lose time looking at Brett's body.  

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