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Jane POV

The next morning, we all woke up early.

"Everyone understand the plan?" Mal asked us. We all nodded. "Okay. Let's do this."

Carlos grabbed my arm, spun me around, and kissed me. "Be careful, okay?"

I kissed him back. "I will. The same goes for you too."

Carlos smiled as we all stepped through the portal Mal made and into the palace.


"Come on Mal! Let's do this!" I said, running through the palace and past a guard. Mal knocked him out.

"Would you calm down for a little bit?" Mal asked, though I could hear her chuckle.

I smiled as I continued running through the palace.

"Ben, stop running. We're approaching the throne room." Mal ordered as I stopped running. Maleficent was in there, talking to Evil Queen, Jafar, and Cruella de Vil. In cages were Lumiere, Cogsworth, Chip, Mrs. Potts, Mulan, Shang, Aurora, Phillip, Snow White, Sara Winifred, Snow's daughter, Cinderella, and everyone else's parents. Once Bashful, Happy, Grumpy, Doc, Sneezy, and Sleepy saw us, Mal quickly put a finger to her mouth, and they didn't say a thing.

"Is Evie okay?" Evil Queen asked. "I hope she has enough eye-shadow and blush."

Mal quickly turned to me and handed me a small key. "This skeleton key will unlock the cell doors. I'm going to make you invisible and when I say to my mom that her plan won't work, open up all of the cell doors. Okay?"

"Okay." I responded.

"Before I do the spell," Mal said, rushing towards me and hugging me tightly. "Be careful."

I hugged back. "The same goes for you to. Okay?"

"Okay." Then Mal turned me invisible and we walked into the throne room.


"Well, well, well." Maleficent said. "If it isn't my traitor of a daughter."

"Hello Maleficent." I said, walking in.

"Is Evie okay?" Evil Queen but in.

"Yes, she is. I believe that she kissed a certain son of Dopey." I said as someone in the cages spoke up.

"She kissed Doug?" Snow White asked.

I turned to her. "Yeah. She did. They really love each other. Doug's a sweet boy."

"Enough!" Maleficent screeched. "You know the risks of coming back because I sent guards out looking for you. So why did you come back?"

"Because your plan won't work." I said and one by one, all of the cages flew open and the heroes plus their children crawled out. "This is a fight you are going to loose."

"Really?" Maleficent asked. "Am I going to loose this fight if I kill your precious boyfriend?"

Maleficent made a ball of fire in her hand and and aimed it at Ben.

"You wouldn't."

"Watch me." Maleficent threw the ball of fire at Ben, but at the last second, I ran in front of him, the fire hitting me in the chest, and collapsed on the ground.

A/N: I can feel everyone yelling at me now. Just don't be to mad, because I have a plan.

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