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Audrey POV

"Where is she Carlos?" Ben pushed on. It's been going on like this for five days straight. I don't know how much longer both Ben and Carlos can last.

"I told you Ben! I don't know!" Carlos sounded slightly scared. He knew, but he didn't want to tell an angry Ben. I couldn't blame him. Jane, Lonnie, Chad, Doug, and I often kept secrets from him in fear of his "Beast" coming out.

"Ben, maybe you should take a break." I suggested. "You've been pursuing him for five days. I'm sure that wherever Mal is, she's fine."

Ben growled at Carlos, then glared at me. "Okay, fine. I'll be back though." Ben marched out of the room. When I couldn't hear his footsteps anymore, I turned to Carlos.

"Alright. I know you know where Mal is, now spill." I ordered.

"You won't tell Ben, will you?" Carlos asked.

"I won't tell." I assured him. "Chad, Doug, Jane, Lonnie, and I have kept plenty of secrets from him in fear of Ben releasing his 'Beast'."

"So, Ben can turn into a Beast?"

"Yeah. It's mainly ruled by his emotions, so we try not to make him mad."

"That makes sense."

"Now," I said, getting is back on topic. "about Mal. Where is she?"

Carlos sighed. "She went back to the palace to protect you guys from her mom."

I was surprised. "She'll get hurt though!"

"She knew the risks. She's just trying to protect you guys."

"Sweet girl."

I heard Ben come back as I stood back up and moved back to my original spot.

"Now, where were we?" Ben asked as I stepped in front of him.

"Ben, Carlos honestly doesn't know where she is." I said. "You know I have a power to tell when people are lying, and he isn't. I don't think any of the VKs know where Mal is."

Ben sighed. "I guess your right."

"Of course I am." I said as all three of us left the room. Carlos, who was behind us, locked eye contact with me, and mouthed 'Thank You'.

Meanwhile, Back in the Dungeon...


"So, what are you guys here for?" I asked Reyna and Wendell.

"To be honest," Wendell said. "I've been here for so long that I don't even remember why."

"Queen Maleficent thinks I stole from her daughter." Reyna said.

"Did you?"

"Sorta. I stole a necklace that Queen Maleficent said BELONGED to Princess Mal."


"What are you here for?"

"I rebelled against the Queen."

"You did!?" Reyna asked, sounding excited.

"Yeah. She tried to arrest some of my friends and I helped them hide. I didn't want them getting hurt, so I turned myself in to avoid them getting found. Now Queen Maleficent is trying to press me for information." I explained, leaving out a couple facts, like, for example, that I'm Maleficent's daughter.

"Brave girl." Wendell said.

"Yeah, and look where it got me." I motioned to my surroundings.

"It could be worse." Reyna said. "You could be scheduled for execution tomorrow."

"Well, I guess that's thinking positive." I said as I slumped down in one corner of the cell I shared with Reyna.

"It's going to be okay." Reyna said, crawling into my corner. "I've been here for roughly a year. You'll survive."

"Thanks Reyna. How old are you anyway?"

"18. You?"


"You scared?"

"A little."

"Just know, we're all in this together, for better or worse."

A/N: Songs I made references to:

Think Positive from the Willy Wonka Musical

And in case you didn't guess it, We're All In This Together from High School Musical

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