Cole sighed and rolled his eyes handing me the bowl of strawberries.

I grabbed my greedily and started eating, “Why can’t blood taste like a strawberry. Then I would actually like to drink it.”

Cole chuckled, “You have a creep obsession with strawberries.”

“So? There so amazing,” I smiled.

“I wouldn’t know. You never let us eat any,” He smirked.

I raised an eyebrow at him, “You have never had a strawberry before?” I said doubtfully.

“Of course, I have, but I don’t remember them big as big of a deal that you make them,” He responded.

“Well, I guess you will never find out with you?” He put another strawberry in my mouth.

He laughed.

“Shannon, I think you should drink some blood when you are done with those,” Damon pushed.

“No,” I snapped.

“Angel, don’t do that please,” Cole looked slightly hurt.

“But,” I whined.

“It’s what’s good for the baby,” He replied.

That made up my mind. If it was good for the baby then that’s what I would do. I would do anything for this little piece of life I was creating inside me. I was incredibly happy that Cole and I were having a child. Even though I wouldn’t live to see it. I needed to keep it healthy for the whole f the vampire population. My baby was going to save their world.

“Forget about the baby,” Damon stood angry, “You need to stay alive too.”

“Damon,” Cole warned.

“No, I just don’t get how you can accept your death when it’s not natural,” Damon growled.

Both of them broke down once in a while like this I was used to it by now, but it still hurt being reminded that I was going to die and leave them behind.

“Damon, I just have to,” I sighed standing with the help of Cole, “I have no choice . . . it’s not like I can stop this from happening okay? I’m sorry. The only thing I am really leaving behind is you guys so please don’t be mad at me . . . please,” I turned away from him and walked to the kitchen. I put my bowl in the sink and Cole was suddenly behind me.

He kissed my neck and I sighed.

“You know he doesn’t mean it right? He knows how strong you are for doing this,” He sighed, but I heard the hurt in his voice.

Stumbling into A Vampire (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now