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my name is bang youngji,
and im a heartbroken 20 young lady.
yeah, i had been left by a guys so called as 'mr.yoo young jae'

a year after break up,
somehow his thought come finding me tonight. arghhh i hate this feeling.
it's not like love feeling, it's more to hate, mad and unsatisfied feeling...
so i take a walk on this empty and silence street at this rainy night...

it's cold thought,
luckily i wear on my sweatshirt...
so the cold doesn't hit me enough...
i put my left hand in the pocket coz it getting freeze as my right hand which is holding my grey umbrella start shivering...

i staring the ground which i step on.
a year had passed...
why should i keep thinking about youngjae again?
i should move on...
like i can't live in this situation forever!
walking around even it's already midnight,
doesn't care if it's rainy or not...
all about wanna run from his thought...

that crap...
i hate him for my entire life!

so, as i walked while cursing him...
a figure catch my attention...
a guy...

a guy standing on the middle of the road, blankly staring all around
him, like a dumb..


arghhhh, heartbroken?


if yes,
then he's in the same situation like me. actually me once trying to suicide before, stupid...
luckily my bro manage to stop me, and help me awake from those freaking stupid thought...

okay let's focus to that guy who's on the road...

trying to not fading the context of humanity,
i calling for him as i take a step closer to him.

"'s not safe to being on the road like that, there might be a car or any vehicles will knocking you down..." i yelled at him..

then he turns facing me,
around my age i think or older a few years. so it's my bad calling him with ajushi tittle...

and bam!
i notice something, he wore something like hospital uniform?
the clothes that usually being put on by a patients of the hospital...

ah yes, that cloth...
because i work as activist there in that hospital.. when i had free time...

mentioned about that, i added.
"mr. you shouldn't sneaking out from hospital in that patients uniform... your family might looking for you about forget your suicide mission and go back to the hospital? "

but he just standing still there with his eyes widen staring at me...

"are you talking to me?" he say as pointing his finger to his face..
with kinda full of questions face...

his question make me feel weird,
i look around as wanna make sure if there's anyone else there...
but no one there...
it's only me and that guy who's in patients uniform...

and literally that guy was standing on the road, dangerously...

i was like, "yeahh...then who it's supposed to be if it's not you?"

he take a step approaching me as he asking me another weird question...

"can you see me?"

i startle, tf?
"of coz i can see you..
you're right there, in front of me..."
i said getting annoyed actually...

then, a strong light shine on him who's walking...
i yelled out my best trying to give him a warning that there's a car heading to him...

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