9 | Dinner Disaster

Start from the beginning

"She just wasn't the best person in the world. Ross took it badly and he doesn't wanna be reminded of it. He'll tell you at some point, I'm sure of that much. And please don't go Googling it. He'll be pissed at you for it." She says, grabbing onto Ellington's arm for a seat. I bite my lip and look down.

"Hey, you wanna sit by me?" Ross says quietly, placing his hand on the small of my back.

"Yeah, sure." I reply, looking up at his face.

"You good?" He asks, stroking his thumb across my chin, slightly brushing my bottom lip.

"Yeah, just tired, I guess." I mumble, smiling up as he pulls my chair out for me. Being the complete gentleman I figured he was, he pushed it in for me too. He sat to my left, as Rocky sat to my right.

"Cuddle?" He murmurs, leaning his head towards me.

"Please?" I whisper, sticking my bottom lip out. Believe it or not, last night was the best sleep I've gotten since my grandmother passed away. No stupid dreams about my parents, no stupid dreams about my grandma and no stupid dreams about me dying. When I leave to go back to L.A., I might just cry. His chuckle only made me pout more.

"Obviously. I wouldn't pass up a chance to cuddle with you." I give him a small smile before looking at the menu.

The food was all ordered, we all had our choice of drink, and we even had a small appetizer of sushi rolls. Everyone was talking amongst each other and I sorta stayed quiet, politely agreeing or smiling at Ross who kept looking at me. It wasn't until Ross decided to mess with me was when I became a bit more social.

"Hey, look over there." He murmurs, getting close to my ear. I furrow my eyebrows, but eventually turn myself around and see absolutely nothing besides a dang wall. That is, until I felt my sushi roll disappear from my hand, and felt a warm, moist like feeling on my fingers.

"Did you seriously just eat my dang sushi roll?" I ask, trying not to smile. He quit chewing the second I laid my eyes on him and raised his eyebrows. I bring my hand up and put my palm under his chin with my thumb on one cheek and my four fingers on the other cheek. I squish his cheeks and the sushi falls out of his mouth and onto the floor. We both widen our eyes and look down, only to stare at the sushi. "You just wasted a perfectly good sushi roll." I say, not looking up.

"You just made me waste a perfectly good sushi roll." He corrects me, giving me an evil glare. I elbow his side and look at the last sushi roll on the plate. Ross was eyeing it as well, and in one quick second, his hand reaches out to the sushi roll, I wrap my hand around his wrist.

"No! It's mine!" I shout quietly.

"It's mine!" He argues back, wrapping his other hand around my wrist. I take my other hand and wrap it around his wrist other wrist, which only caused the both of us to laugh. Ross gets the sushi roll, I lean over and try to get it in my mouth, pulling it towards me with all my strength. Sadly, Ross is much more muscular than I am, and he succeeds to eat the sushi roll.

"I hate you." I murmur, slapping his thigh lightly. He give me a toothy grin, sushi in his teeth and everything.

"No matter how disgusting that is, Ross, I did get that whole thing on video, from when you made Ross drop the sushi on the floor, and that was actually a pretty adorable fight." Riker says, holding up his phone.

"Send it to me!" Rydel and Stormie blurt at the same time. I widen my eyes even more.

"I'm definitely posting it." Stormie adds, looking at her phone.

"Mom, don't. People will be all over it and assume we're dating." Ross says, turning completely serious. Must be about his ex-girlfriend.

"Honey, it's fine." Stormie interjects.

"No, mom, it's not fine. She's famous too, we'll both be getting a shit load of hate either way." Biting my lip, I look down at my lap and fiddle with my fingers.

"Ross, calm down-" Stormie starts, but Rocky ends up cutting her off.

"If this is about Nicola, that was over a-" Nicola?

"Rocky, shut the fuck up-"

"Oh my gosh!" Rydel. "Can we seriously get over the fact Ross and Nicola happened? Yeah, it was a bad idea and Andre has apologized time and time again. But it was over a fucking year ago. Mom, post the damn video if you want. Ross, get over it." The three waitress' who are carrying our food stood there awkwardly as the family fought.

"Thanks." I say, as soon as my bowl of salad with a side of two chicken breasts were placed in front of me. First, I checked Stormie's Instagram post.

stormielynchr5: OUT AT DINNER AND THESE TWO KEEP MESSING AROUND ❤️💛❤️💛 @rossr5 @lauramarano SO CUTE ❤️💛 XOXO

• are you guys curious about his ex girlfriend? by the way, it's nicola peltz, i'm not actually a fan of her, and i don't even really know who she is, so no hate towards her! anways, i hope you're enjoying this chapter and i know it's being dragged on with ross and laura's first visit, but wait it out. don't forget to vote, leave a comment, and follow me. love you, babes💜

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