Chapter 16. Storm

Start from the beginning

When Dr. Green had sent the reports of what her life had been like without them he'd almost cried.

Looking out the window of my room I could see that a storm was coming and I thought it fit with Trouble's return.

Like the winds that were blowing she was bringing change, like the rain that fell to the ground she was bringing life. The storm was chaotic, beautiful and dangerous.

Later in the day Luke called, saying that he was coming back from the mall...

He went to the fucking mall without me!

...with Sang and the guys...

With Sang! Really!

...and that I should call Victor to come and get me, so we could go over to his house, where we would all meet.

Apparently in less than a day the little troublemaker had already managed to turn our two "mutes" into talkative giants, messed up with North's precious Jeep, and oh yeah... she also got accosted by a druggie with a gun! She is fucking grounded!

I hang up the call with Luke and call Victor. "Vic! We need to go over to Luke's right now! Trouble will be there!" I tell him while separating all the things I will need to take with me. Hummm... blow-dryer, brush, my special formula...

Once Victor arrived we drove off, all the time talking and reminiscing about the time when we had first met Sang.

Arriving at the house we saw that we had gotten there first and went inside to wait. Sitting in the living room in with my leg bouncing I was a jumble of feelings, excitement, happiness and curiosity about Sang, rage at those people from that school and slightly jealous that she had met the other guys first.

When they heard the car pulling in he stopped himself from running to go and see her. Patience, Gabriel...

When they heard the sound of the front door opening and footsteps heading for where they were... far too slow footsteps in his opinion, he thought To hell with patience, I haven't seen her in forever! And stood up, hurrying into the hall.

"Oy! Where is the troublemaker?" I said in the door to the front hall. Upon seeing Sang in Silas arms he smiled. She was even more beautiful than he had imagined and even after all these years he knew that any portrait he ever made of her would never compare to her beauty. He'd also forgotten the effect her simple presence always had on him. It was like a sun had come into the room.

Stretched his arms out, palms up and flexed his fingers demanding to be given his Trouble. "Give her here right fucking now, you giant Greek!"

"Gabriel!" Sang exclaimed, her eyes lighting up when they fell on him, her smile aimed at him showing without a shadow of doubt that she was happy to see him. He almost sighed in relief and happiness. God, this was crazy. He'd had a crush on her when they were kids; a crush that he'd forgotten about after she disappeared, leaving only the sweet memories of a very good and short friendship. However it seemed that just having her close again was already reawakening all those long forgotten feelings. 

You are pathetic, Gabriel, this beautiful girl will never want to date you... Just look at her! Even dressed in ugly clothing and with her hair turned into a birds nest she is still gorgeous.

He snapped out of his thoughts when she started wiggling in Silas arms until he put her down. Once her foot touched the floor she flew at him and hugged him tight, her arms going around his waist as his went around hers.

Maybe being with her don't be so impossible, she'd once thought he was amazing. He could be amazing for her.

He buried his face in her neck and started mumbling about how much he had missed her, how much she was in trouble for messing with armed guys and how much she just needed to let him fix her hair... all the while he was swaying the both of them from side to side in a comforting motion.

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