Sebastian knew Kierok, a rival merchant and a heartless creature. He also knew that Darius was waiting for some kind of outburst at the prospect of losing him as a customer. He probably expected Sebastian to crumble at his words and beg for whatever pay he was willing to offer.

But Sebastian could not care less if he and Darius did business. There was something abhorrent about the man. Sebastian sensed he needed to tread cautiously around him and always kept his guard up, as though he were a snake in the grass waiting for the perfect moment to strike.

"Kierok doesn't give two shits about his own crew and callously risked their lives to procure your goods. I don't work that way."

Darius studied him for a moment, frown in place. "Kierok could provide me with all the same services as you," he pushed.

Sebastian only smiled, never taking his eyes from the man in front of him. "If that's how you feel, I will have my men pack up the cargo and we'll be on our way."

Darius tried and failed to hide a sneer before saying, "Unfortunately, I cannot wait for Kierok. But I will not pay full price for partial delivery." He slammed his hand down on his desk to emphasize his point.

Sebastian shrugged, unconcerned. "I will offer to take three percent off the agreed price."

Darius, visibly agitated, leaned back in his chair. "Make it thirty percent."

"Eight percent."

Through clenched teeth, Darius replied, "I will accept no less than twenty percent off."

Sebastian pretended to weigh his options. "Then I am sorry. I'll have to decline your offer." He stood, indicating the end of negotiations and his patience. He had many other contacts that would pay adequately for his supplies.

He held out his hand in a businesslike gesture, resolution covering his features.

Darius eyed his outstretched arm with disgust. "Fifteen percent," he growled.

Offering him a fake look of indecision, Sebastian pulled his hand back and contemplated the new offer. If he had more time, he would have argued further, but he needed to be on his way. "I think I can deal with that." He didn't offer his hand again, and neither did Darius.

Darius bent to unlock a drawer low on his desk, lifting from it a small black box. He reached in and counted, then recounted the correct number of chips before tossing them on the desk in front of Sebastian.

Sebastian gathered the payment, bid Darius farewell, and proceeded back to his ship, passing a handful of bodyguards on his way out. He couldn't wait to get back. The next stop promised to be a big job, one of their biggest. He was about to negotiate a contract with the Serakians—an ancient and wise race known for their peaceful and gentle nature. When riled, however, they proved to be exceptionally fierce.

To anyone who chose to accept, the Serakians were offering a generous sum to transport a curiously small amount of cargo. Sebastian had received the notice just after he'd negotiated the contract with Darius. Now that the contract was fulfilled, he and his crew would head straight to the Serakian rendezvous point. Luckily, it wasn't too far from their current location, and should only take a week or so of travel.

The commission from this coming job could feed his crew for months, maybe a year. Sebastian was protective of his crew. He was their leader, their captain. Every action he took affected them as much as it did him. Many in his crew were next to family. Of the more than two hundred crew members more than half were loyal friends, but only two were blood relations—his sister Sonya and his brother Calic.

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