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"Alright guys, you have to be quiet." The duplicate whispered to the group of teenagers floating behind them.

"Why?" Starr asked, confused.

"Do you want his parents to shoot you and tear you apart 'molecule by molecule'?" Sam hissed.

This quieted the class much to the duplicate Danny's relief. They had not stopped chatting ever since the split.

It had been difficult to split the class up. Most wanted to stay with Phantom, even though Fenton was the faster way home, much to the original's chagrin. It took a lot of convincing from Sam and Phantom to have the 'living' classmates come with him.

He began typing in the code, on the pad located on the left of the portal, to open the portal. He was glad that Tucker had told him to place a lock to open the portal on the inside of the Ghost Zone. It would be hard to explain if Fenton passed through the door like a ghost.

"Why would his parents tear us apart 'molecule by molecule' if we're human? They're ghost hunters not human hunters." asked Kwan suspiciously.

Great the suspicious one had more fuel for the fire.

"You currently are ghosts." Sam said before Danny could stop her.

The class looked at her in shock.

"We're dead?" Brittany asked.

"I knew it!" Kwan yelled angrily.

"No you're not." Danny sighed.

"But we're ghosts..." Mike said addressing Danny for the first time.

"You're coma ghosts." Danny told them.

"What are Coma ghosts?" asked Kwan.

"Coma ghosts are the consciousness of people who are in a coma, We think." Danny replied.

"We're in a coma?" Starr shuddered.

"Yes... shhh." Sam said as the portal opened.

His parents weren't in the lab, much to his relief. Actually no one was in the house. It was surprising, his parents were always in the lab unless...

Unless they thought he was kidnapped again.

Danny groaned as they left the basement.

"What's the matter?" asked Sam.

"My parents are going to be putting up missing signs all throughout the entire town." He said stopping at the front door of the house.

"My parents probably have missing pictures being broadcasted on the news. What do you suggest we do?"

"I'll be right back." The duplicate ran up the stairs, leaving the class and Sam in the front hallway. He was back down within ten second carrying two sweaters, one black, for Sam, and one white, for himself.

"Put the hood up on your sweater. It will have to do as a disguise. Besides, it's raining out." He told Sam.

"What about us?" Kwan asked.

"Become invisible."

"How do we do that?" Mike asked.

"Think about it?" Sam suggested.

The group of five Coma ghosts disappeared.

"Did it work?" Starr asked.

"Yes, now let's go." Danny said walking out the door.

The town was silent as if in mourning, the rain acting as it's tears. It was devoid of humans and ghosts alike. The school shooting effected the small ghost town bad.

The group was silent, respecting the stillness. They made it into the hospital in record time. Danny and Sam walked through the front door and went straight to the hospital office. Surprisingly there was only one doctor that passed them.

"Hi, I'm here to see my cousin Starr. I heard she was in a coma..." Danny said to the secretary. "By the way, where are all the doctors?"

The secretary looked up at him. "Didn't you hear? There was another shooting. All the doctors are in the Emergency room trying to save all the victims lives. You want to see your cousin... Now would be a good time. All the students are unresponsive including her. We put them all in one room, makes it easier for us since we are short on staff. I trust you won't do any harm to the patients here?"

"We promise." Sam smiled.

"Alright, I'll have to trust you to do so. The room is 106." The secretary smiled. "By the way, you look alot like that Fenton child. Would you perhaps be him?"


"Alright. You have an hour."

Danny traveled the halls thinking. There was another shooting. Would he have to guide more people? No... he'd leave them to Charon. Wait... was that why she had to go so quickly?

"Danny stopped abruptly in front of room 106, causing Sam to crash into him.

"We're here." Danny whispered as he opened the door.

The group of five's bodies were hooked up top machines, all in a row. It was saddening for Danny, but at least their heart beats were still going.

"Why aren't the others here?" Starr asked surprised to not see Paulina's body.

"They're dead." Sam answered.

The class looked at them horrified. Kwan sighed, "i knew it."

"If they're dead, why hasn't Phantom told them so? What does he mean that he'll take them home?" Mike asked in hysterics.

"Phantom wants them to figure out they're dead on their own. He's taking them to where they belong in the ghost zone. If you don't go back into your bodies soon, you'll be dead too!" Danny answered, trying not to show any emotion.

"How will we go back in them?" Natalie whispered.

"Try possessing them." Sam replied. She saw the confused looks and rolled her eyes. "Turn yourself intangible, think about going intangible if you have to, and lie down on your bodies. Think about being one with them. After five minutes we'll tell you to sit up."

The coma ghosts did as instructed. Danny seriously hoped it would work. Danny and Sam waited in silence for five minutes. After that, Sam called for them to sit up. Only Natalie sat up.

"I knew it." Natalie whispered. "I knew I was dead too."

Sam and Danny looked at her surprised.

"I don't want to be a ghost though. Is there another way? Hey! Who are you?" Natalie said pointing to a figure behind them.

The figure wore a black cloak and held a scythe. It walked slowly towards Natalie. It hissed angrily as it passed Danny.

"You say you're name is Bacia? That's a nice name." Natalie looked like she was listening for a moment and a sad smile grew on her paling face. " You'll save me from being a spirit? Thank you Bacia" Natalie cried.

Bacia swung its scythe through Natalie. Natalie disappeared with a content smile on her face.

The creature looked at Danny and hissed once more, then it too disappeared.

Natalie's heart monitor stopped beeping. Natalie was gone.

The duplicate stood there shocked with a crying Sam at his side. He walked out of the room, down the hallway, past the secretary then out of the hospital.

"Sam, I've gotta go." He told her sad. "my original is calling me back for strength."

"Be safe." She sniffled.

"Go home." He told her sadly.

He disappeared. All that was left was his sweater.

He had failed to take Natalie home.

The Guide Home (under Revision)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن