Chapter 1:

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Pain, absolute Pain, followed by insane laughter, was all she could remember.

She opened her eyes slowly at the green swirling sky. Wait, green swirling sky?

She sat up quickly. Where exactly was she? Since when did the ground become purple?

Melody panicked as her hand disappeared before her eyes. This could not be happening.

She heard groans, signaling others were here with her. She turned around to see ghosts waking up. Melody could barely breathe. She was going to die.

"Paulina? Are you okay?" a ghost asked another ghost. Wait, was that Dash and Paulina? Her class was the ghosts! Did that make her...

"Dash!" the former cheerleader hugged her boyfriend.

All her classmates had mostly inverted colours except for their skin. That was either blue, green or grey.

Paulina now had red eyes, white hair and blue skin. Her lips were a ghostly green, eye shadow a rich red that matched her eyes.

Dash didn't seem to notice, that or he knew he too was a shadow of his former self. He kept his yellow hair, but his skin was green almost as green as some of the swirls in the sky. His eyes were red as well.

Melody looked down at her own body. Her clothes were inverse colours, unlike Dash and Paulina who kept their clothes original appearance. Her arms though were a dark grey compared to the olive skin she had once had. In a panic she grabbed at her hair. It was now a bloody red, a contrast to the soft brown it had once been. She was afraid to look into a mirror but couldn't deny the truth.

She was now a ghost.

Surprisingly, not everyone was here. Dash, Kwan, Mike, Paulina, Starr, Mary, Natalie, Mikey, Nathan, Brittany, Jake, herself and the never quiet Leanna. Fourteen people in total dead. The rest either moved on or were still alive.

She envied them greatly.

She noticed a swirling green portal floating off to the side. It was hard to notice against the matching sky. In fact she wouldn't of, if a figure hadn't of come through.

The figure was short, so not an adult. Perhaps it was a ghost that would tell them what was going on. Maybe it was another dead classmate.

The figure, much to her surprise and shock, turned out to be Daniel's girlfriend Sam.

The goth girl looked like she always did; not inverted and without green skin. Her hair was in a ponytail though and she was wearing a black shirt with a purple circle in the middle, black pants, running shoes and a backpack slung over her shoulder.

Melody watched as she gazed at the class sadly. Sam obviously knew the teens were dead. Another thought surfaced Melody's head. Why and how was Sam here?

This thought ignited something within Melody. A fierce desire burned in her heart and begged her to find the answer.

In life, Melody had been known to be curious. She knew a lot about any subject not including ghosts. Her mind had always been open, always thinking and seeing other people's opinion.

During her quest for knowledge she had never wanted to know an answer so badly. Too bad it was for something like this.

Sam walked towards the now standing teens, sadness evident on her face. She also looked incredibly nervous.

As she got closer Melody saw that she had been crying for a bit. What happened to her? Was she crying because of them?

That wasn't the only thing the loner noticed though. She noticed the goth had a black ring on her finger. On the ring was the town's hero's symbol.

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