Chapter 13 ~ Compte à Rebours à Partir de 1000

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{Warning:Torture, mild verbal abuse,blood}

Phil's P.O.V.

I wait at the small table in the back of Panera watching the time tick by. The bell rings informing that someone walked through the door and I almost break my neck trying to see if it was Dan. Surely he would at least let me explain right? I take a sip out of my tea, tapping my foot impatiently. Its been 30 minuets and Dan should have been here by now. Maybe he changed his mind and decided not to settle for an explanation. Sighing aloud, I try to call him one more time.

One ring.

Two rings.

Three rings.

I was about to give up when I heard the other line answer.

"Dan?" I say expecting to hear my boyfriend's voice but instead greeted by a low unrecognizable one.

"Who are you." the voice asks. I feel a small pain in my chest as I jump to conclusions. Has Dan already moved on? No way it's been like an hour Phil chill.

"No, who are you and why are you answering Dan's phone, where is Dan."

"I don't have to answer any of those questions." he replies.

"How are you gonna answer my boyfriend's phone and have the audacity to not answer my questions."

"Oh, so you're the one who made him a fag. You people disgust me." and with that he hangs up. Panicking I stand up really fast knocking the glass cup on the floor. I mumble a small apology and dash out through the doors. As I speed walk through the busy streets of the city, I look around frantically for any sign of Dan. I stop in front of an stereotypical dark alley way, spotting a familiar name tag on the ground. Getting a closer look my heart skips a beat as I realize who's it is. This is bad. This is bad. This is bad. Why is Dan's name tag on the ground? Chill out Phil, my inner voice spoke. maybe he just dropped it. Yeah that's right, there's nothing wrong he just simply dropped his name tag while running. Running. Running. Why would he be running? Picking up the name tag, I venture farther into the alley only to find Dan's wallet and house keys. Somethings defiantly wrong.

Dan's P.O.V

I open my eyes only to shut them again, hissing at the bright light above me. I try to bring my hand up to shield my eyes away only to find out that they were tied up and unable to move. Where am I? I try to remember what happed but, everything after I ran out of the office is a blur.

"Looks like the prat finally woke up." I look up letting my eyes adjust to the blinding light. After they focused I'm greeted with the face of the one and only Tyler Johnson, elder brother of my wonderful ex girlfriend, Skylar Johnson. Looking around I see that I'm in a big dark room with no windows. I look to my right and see a table full of knives, hammers, monkey wrenches and just all kinds of stuff. What's all that for? Don't tell me he's about to use those on me. What kind of sick joke is this.

"What are you doing." I yell in a raspy voice while struggling to get out of the chair I was in. Fuck, my legs are strapped down too.

"My sister gave me some rather shocking news the other week." he says grabbing one of the knives while walking around my chair. "And what might that be you ask? Nothing much accept for the fact that you're a dumb ass faggot now." he informs getting more and more aggressive towards the end of his sentence. He moves the sharp knife across my cheek. I wince in pain as the thick blood travels from the cut, to the corners of my mouth.

"What did you call it? Bi-sexual?" he asks making another two cuts on my face. I don't reply.

"Oh so we're gonna play games now are we Dan? Ever poured salt on a snail before?" and in a quick movement Tyler grabbed a handful of salt and threw it at my face. I hiss in agony as the salt entered my fresh wounds and eyes. I try to break free to wipe my burning face but the restraints were too tight. I start to loose consciousness from the pain when I'm smacked by a spiked belt.

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