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Zachary's POV

(They were preparing for Rachel's birthday surprise)

"Zach, do you even know how to draw??" Dylan let out an exaggerated sigh.

"Of course I know! Quit nagging at me!" I replied in an irritated tone.

"You call that drawing?"

"It's you who don't know how to appreciate art." I responded dryly and tried my damn hardest to get that hair drawn perfectly.

I was tasked to draw a simple portrait of Rachel.

But, it did not turn out the way I wanted.

The drawing of Rachel's eyes are not symmetrical and looked uneven. Therefore, it took me ages just to draw the eyes. Don't get me started with the nose, mouth and ears. Call me a perfectionist or whatever, I don't care.

"Zachary, we didn't tell you to draw an exact image of Rachel." Jake reminded me while he was writing Rachel's birthday note.

"I know."

I closed my eyes, trying to remember how Rachel look like. While doing so, one side of my mouth twitched up, unconsciously. After rounds and rounds of editing, I finally managed to complete the drawing.

I swiped away all the eraser dust and admired my artwork. Wow, the girl on the piece of paper really looked like Rachel. Nope, I was not the only one praising myself. Everyone agreed with me, including the boys.

"Hey! I didn't know you could draw!" Jake slapped the back of my arm as he grinned at me.

I simply shrugged and said, "It's my first time too."

Both Dylan and Jake said simultaneously, "Oh c'mon."

The girls giggled as they watched the conversation between me and the boys.

"Alright, girls, it's time for you to shine!" I handed over my artwork for them to add colours to Rachel's portrait.

I was starting to write Rachel's birthday letter but stucked after writing 'Hey Rachel'. It's my first time writing this kind of note to someone. Rachel should feel honoured for receiving my note.

"What are you smiling at?" Dylan's question turned my curved lips into a thin line.

"Nothing much."

I twirled the pen around my fingers while thinking hard on what can I write to Rachel. Well obviously other than the usual happy birthday. Ideas did not seem to be my friend today, therefore I walked around the table to get some inspiration from what the boys wrote.

To my surprise, the boys simply wrote three words on the note. Which was none other than 'Happy Birthday Rachel!'

"Are you guys serious?" I tapped my finger onto the note and transferred my gaze to fixed it on the boys.


"Don't you find the birthday wishes are a little too short?"

"Nope!" The boys responded in unison.

I scratched the back of my head as my only source of guide was gone. I did not want to write a long message because that would seem like I'm long winded. However, too short seem insincere.

"Zach, Rach wouldn't mind how long or short your message will be." Helen commented as she noticed my dilemma.

Oh right. Why am I even worrying over this? Also, why would I even care how Rachel thought of my birthday note? I immediately shake off that indecisive part of myself.

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