Chapter 34

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"Nicole!" I jogged a little when Nicole stopped in her tracks.

"Rachel?" Nicole's eyebrows are knitted in confusion.

"Yeah. Have you seen Ella?"

Nicole's mouth turned down into a frown as soon as I mentioned Ella's name. Her eyes were shining with apology.

"Sorry, I haven't. Ella have been absent since Monday. But, I'm sure she's not sick. She'll tell us, if she is." Nicole informed me.

It's Wednesday today. Where could she go without her mum suspecting? Ella would never skip school for nothing.

"Nicole!" Both of us looked at each other, curious on who would call out for Nicole.

"Hey! Have you seen Ella?" It was Zachary asking that question.

Nicole's eyes are dancing with amusement as she replied, "Funny. Rachel here just asked me the exact same question. To answer your question, no I haven't, since last Friday."

Zachary seemed to only notice me when Nicole told him. He looked at me sheepishly and pulled me over for a hug.

"Oh. I see. C'mon, let's go, the rest are waiting for us in the canteen." Nicole said and took the lead walking in front.

"Hey, sorry for not noticing you earlier on." Zachary whispered while I ducked my head to hide the blush. Goodness me. Zachary still have this kind of effect on me.

"It's alright. We're both just worried about Ella."

"Guys! Right here!" Jake waved his hand to grab our attention.

We placed our bags on the chair before getting our lunch.

"So, anyone have any idea why Ella has been absent?" Dylan questioned aloud for us to hear.

"Well, she did mention about meeting new friends somewhere." Helen shrugged and poked her fork into a piece of meat.

"Last Saturday, I saw her with a group of tattooed people." I offered and instantly felt all their eyes on me.

"What? Why didn't you tell me?!" Zachary asked me, a little too loud to my liking. A look of bewilderment flashed across my features.

"Zach! You're scaring Rach!" Jake smacked Zachary on the head.

Zachary ignored Jake's warning and turned my chair to face him. The rebellious streak in me refused to look at Zachary in the eye. Zachary grabbed my shoulders roughly and shook me.

"Rach! Where and when did you saw her on Saturday? Who was she with too?" Zachary pressed for an answer from me and I decided to be defiant.

"I saw her around noon at The Fusion Mall. How on earth would I know who she was with?!" In the end I gave in to Zachary because of the look in his eyes. Clearly, he cares for Ella, a lot to be exact. I don't blame him. I blame myself for feeling hurtful by Zachary's sudden change of attitude.

I removed his hands from me and grabbed my bag before telling him. "I didn't mean to keep that from you. But, I did inform Mrs Chance about this. I just wasn't sure if I should have told you. I guess my decision was wrong."

My appetite for lunch was gone from the moment Zachary shouted at me. I absolutely understand why Zachary was being so anxious. Zachary could have been more calmer. I didn't want to make a big deal out of this. Therefore, I left the canteen and went to the library.

Zachary's POV

"Davis! What the hell were you thinking just now?" Helen quirked an eyebrow at me.

I gazed at Helen glumly and couldn't form an answer to reply her. I merely shrugged and typed a message to Ella.

"Let me make myself clear. You've got to know how to draw a line between Ella and you. All of us care about Ella that includes Rachel. No matter what, Rachel's your girlfriend." Dylan reminded me with a stern look and I just sighed in response. I get what they're trying to do. I just wanna help Ella to forget about me and move on before this guilt continues to eat me up.

Zachary : Ella! Please call me back. Don't force yourself to do something you dislike because of me.

Zachary : Ella! I will be waiting for your reply.

I was still typing my third message when Ella finally texted me back.

Ella : Zach, I'm fine. Stop messaging or calling me. It's very annoying. I am not doing something I dislike.

"Oww! Hey! What the shit?!" I rubbed my sore arm as Helen just gave it a very hard pinch.

"What are you waiting for? Go and chase after Rachel! Do you really need me to roll out the red carpet for you?!" Helen started to pull my chair out and failed.

I raised my hands in surrender so that Helen can take a step back. Pushing myself backwards, I stood up from my chair.

"Alright, alright."

I just walked out of the canteen knowing exactly where Rachel would go to. The library.

Cool wind from the library's aircon greeted me when the glass door automatically opened. My steps towards the lift was muted by the carpeted floor. I know Rachel more than she would have thought of. Rachel's like an open book. Her emotions are clearly written all over her face, because she made no attempt to hide it. Before you guys thought what a jerk I was fifteen minutes ago. I know that I was wrong for venting my suffocated anger on Rachel.

Well, that's why I am trying to make it up for her. The ding sound startled me, indicating that I should get ready to get out.

I turned to my left and started my searching mission. One by one, I looked through the thick books shelves to find Rachel sitting down at a corner. Just by looking at Rachel reading her book made me smile.

"Rach.. Hey.." I said while walking towards her.

Rachel's head lift up to meet my eyes. Unmistakably, hurt flashed across her gray eyes as she saw me. My heart squeezed guiltily because I was the one to hurt her. I screwed this up so badly, hurting both girls who I cared the most.

Rachel forced herself to smile when I sat down beside her. Rachel returned back to her story land but I closed her book. Rachel stared down and played with her fingers.

I covered my hand over hers and let the silence filled up our sad hearts. I was the first one to break the silence.

"Rach. I'm sor-"

"Zach. We don't have to keep apologising to each other." Rachel gave me a small smile as she patted the top of my hand.

I moved and face Rachel before embracing Rachel for a tight hug. Rachel's hands are on my back and gently patted me. I kissed Rachel's forehead lightly and grinned at her gratefully.

Author's note :
Hi! I hope you'll like this chapter! :) To give you guys a heads up, this story is going to end. :( There should be around 3-4 chapters left.. Anyways, I've just written a short story and it's up on my profile! Don't forget to vote/comment/share, if you liked it! :D

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