Part 10: Wrong Number

Start from the beginning

"Alright. Let's go to the movies," he suggested.

"Okay, sounds good," I hung up. We would go see a movie at seven and then go eat dinner at a restaurant near by. I was looking forward to spending time with Xander.

Ever since Riley inserted herself into our lives, I've been seeing less and less of him. I missed Xander.

I busied myself with getting ready for tonight. I straightened my frizzy hair and wrapped it up in a pony tail. I applied a tiny bit of makeup and threw on a gray sweater with a pair of ripped jeans. I was ready to go.

And it was still only five o'clock. I groaned. Xander would be here at half past six to pick me up.

I plopped down on the couch to watch TV, trying to pass the time. Mom had left a note on the fridge this morning saying that her nursing job required her to put in more hours. She also wrote that Christopher would be having dinner with us tomorrow. Great.

I was planning on being "sick" tomorrow so I could skip out, if you know what I mean.

My cellphone vibrated on the low coffee table. I leaned over to see who was texting me. An unknown number flashed across the screen and I clicked on the message.

Looking forward to seeing you at The Hangout tonight, Hannah baby. -Ryker

My eyes bugged out of my head. I wanted to vomit all over the screen. This was not an accident that he sent this text to my phone. No, he did it on purpose, knowing full well what he was doing. I clenched my fist around the phone. I was ready to chuck it across the room.

A second later, another text from the same number popped up. I opened this one as well.

Wrong number.

Wrong number my ass.


"Tell me why we're here again," Xander demanded while we were sitting in his car in the parking lot of The Hangout.

"Because," I said for the thousandth time, "Ryker's band is performing tonight and he sent me that stupid text. I know it wasn't an accident. He must have thought it would make me jealous to know that he was waiting for Hannah here."

"Does it?"

"X," I warned. 

He held his hands up in mock surrender, "Okay, okay. I know you're not jealous, jeez."

"Alright, let's go then," I said, putting my hand on the door handle.

"Wait, just don't do anything stupid, okay?" Xander asked.

"No promises," I said and hopped out of the car. Xander was fast on my heels as we entered the club.

Just like the first time we had come here, music pounded off the walls and sweaty bodies were tangled together on the dance floor.

Xander and I walked over to the fake bar and ordered two sodas. I leaned against a bar stool while Xander took a seat in the one next to it.

"So-" he began.

A body crashed into mine and I was knocked off balance. I toppled into the stool as I fell to the ground. I sprawled, ungracefully, across the dirty floor. A spark of anger shot through me at whoever who had just pushed me down and didn't even offer to help me up.

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