"So he wasn't involved? Are you sure?"

"I just said I can't see anything if Jake is around. I saw the damn vision so obviously he had nothing to do with it, jeesh!" Alice snapped before she turned and walked quickly out the front door mumbling about the idiocy and limited minds of the wolf pack.

"Don't take it too personally." My father said as he entered the room. "Alice has been trying her best to latch onto Rachel who has disappeared from her visions while trying to keep an eye on the Volturi and find a way to intercept and keep tabs on the army that Rachel is going to be building. She has a lot on her plate."

"Hey, I have a suggestion." Paul piped up. "How about we get on with what we came here to do so we can get the hell out of here and go home."

"That doesn't seem like a bad idea, the stench is dreadful." Emmett teased.

"No more dreadful then having your nostrils burned by chlorine." Paul retorted. "Lead the way bloodsucker."

"I won't bother to go slow since I know dogs are great at following their leader." he smirked.

"I have half a mind to rip you limb from limb, light you on fire and piss on your ashes you blood sucker." Paul threatened.

"Paul, shut your mouth and go outside, Seth you follow and be ready to go."

Paul glared silently at Emmett before he turned and walked out the front door, Seth close on his heels.

"Yeah thats right, listen to your master little pup." Emmett shouted after him.

"Babe," Rosalie began. "Do us all a favor and shut the hell up." She said as she came into the room from the kitchen carrying a red object.

Emmett laughed. "Hey, I'm just saying I am the bigger man here. You want to know why?"

Rosalie sighed, rolling her eyes. "And why is that?"

"Because babe, unlike him, I don't have to answer to anyone." He gloated.

Rosalie held out the red object to Emmett which I eyed curiously. I wonder what it was.

Taking it into his own hands he held it up and looked at it. "What is this?" he asked.

"It's a heated water bottle, your daughter is upstairs in pain and needs it."

Emmett held it back out to Rosalie who immeadiately crossed her arms.

"Well, what are you waiting for Rose, take it to her."

Rosalie pursed her lips before giving her head a shake, causing her blonde waves to dangle around her face. "You will take it to her."


"You heard me Mr. Better Man. Take the heated water bottle upstairs to your daughter. Then you will be at her beck and call for the rest of the day."

"Excuse me? I am positive this is a matter of lady problems which I don't deal with."

"NOW!" Rosalie snapped.

Emmett jumped slightly before he turned on his heel and quickly walked away. When the upstairs bedroom door closed everyone in the room burst into laughter, even Carlisle and Esme.

Sam cleared his throat, silencing the room. "So, who were the ones to find the scent trail?"

Jasper stepped forward and gave a nod. "I can save you some time and show you the way." he offered. Without waiting for a reply Jasper took off out the front door. From where I stood I watched the three members of the wolf pack phase and follow Jasper into the woods beyond the house.

I sighed in relief as I felt that we were closer to being relieved of one of our problems. Only when I turned around and saw the look in Alice's eyes did that slight moment of relief disappate.

"Alice?" I whispered as I joined her side. "What is it?"

Alice's remained unresponsive for several minutes, gaining the attention of everyone inhabiting the house. We waited for several moments as she was having her vision.

I could tell that something wasn't right just by the look in her eye. It reminded me of the expression she had when something bad was going to happen.

Suddenly it changed. Her forehead scrunched up, causing her perfect marble skin to form creases. Her eyebrows raised dramatically and her eyes were larger than I had ever seen them before. Her mouth hung open in frown and from the gleam in her eyes I knew that if it was possible she would be crying right now.

"Alice?" My father questioned. "What does this mean?"

Alice slowly turned her head to look at him. "It means the Volturi are coming to kill us all, Rachel, the army... and us."

"Wait.... what?" Jasper and the three from the wolf pack had returned. "What is happening Alice, what did you see?" He questioned as he took his normal stance at her side.

"The Volturi are coming to kill us all."

"The Volturi? Who all do you mean when you speak of the Volturi?" Sam asked.

"I mean everyone, even Jacob and Sili."

Paul swore loudly as he advanced on Alice. My father, mother, Rosalie, Carlisle, Jasper, Renesmee and our other family members cut him off.

"She is a liar! Sili would never do that." Paul shouted at the top of his lungs.

I felt the air begin to slowly vibrate and suddenly a memory flashed through my mind of what had happened that one day I went to La Push to inform Jake's family of his vampire transformation.

"Calm down!" I shouted at him. "Paul you are going to hurt someone!"

"Paul, snap out of it!" Sam ordered and seconds later the air around me began to relax again. I could tell he was still angry by the looks of his clenched fists but it was managable now. "Alice, please explain how you know this." Sam addressed her polietly.

"I saw the Volturi coming, limbs were in burning piles everywhere. Then suddenly my vision disappeared. It only ever disappears when a wolf is involved somehow."

"I still think you are wrong. Jake would never turn his back on you like that. No matter how much I hate you reeking bloodsuckers I know for a fact he wouldn't do this and if my sister is with him I know she wouldn't either." Paul spoke, his calm voice wavering slightly as he attempted to keep a relaxed posture.

"Lets push that problem to the back and pull forth the one that is staring down at us." Carlisle began as he took a step towards Sam. "What is the verdict?"

"We ran the line where Jasper said they caught the scent but only Paul recognized it." He began.

"My cousin Khallisee, that was her scent." Paul said. "I recognized it from the last time I visited family near Circle."

"We explained the situation and they want to meet you all." Sam continued.

"When?" Carlisle asked.

Before Sam could respond every head turned to look at the front door where a tall, toned woman with striaight brown hair stood.

"How about now?" She spoke.

Solar Eclipse - Book 5Where stories live. Discover now