Chapter 8

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About almost the whole week had passed by since one of the boys had harassed me. Craig hadn't even tried bothering me and we have like two classes together now! Now it was nice but it left me on edge. I seriously jumped at every little noise.

"Cam-" I swung my arm back at the voice knocking them to the ground. Looking over at the seemingly unconscious figure I realized it was Len.

"Oh my god! I'm so sorry Len!" I held out my hand for him to grab but his arms were wrapped around his sides.

"And to think I should worry about you." He laughed picking himself up.

"I'm really sorry, Iv'e just been on edge lately." I apologized picking up his book bag and handing it to him.

"That's alright but why are you so on edge?" He asked as we walked to spanish together. I'd like to tell him but I don't think I could.

"Alot of things on my mind." I answered honestly.

"Don't worry, I'm sure it'll all sort it's self out." He reassured as I nodded my head in agreement. Hopefully this would sort it's self out...Oh what am I kidding myself for. I already know what's going to happen. It was a nice thought though. I let out a deep sigh taking my seat in the back of the class. Letting my things fall to the floor I laid my head on my desk and closed my eyes.

"Ay yo girl!" I heard a voice yell at me. I lifted my head to see the owner of the voice. It was heavy set girl with short two toned hair.

"Uhm yeah?" I yawned scratching my head.

"You'r in my seat; so can you move?" Shit did I just sleep through spanish?

"Ah! H-how did, why didn't!" I stuttered confused. She gave me an annoyed look until she just pushed me out of my seat.

"Sorry bout that but just move next time." She took her seat as I gathered my things. Before heading out the door I had a chat with my teacher Mrs.Nitram. I apologized for the whole sleeping through class thing and left in a hurry. Only god knew how much longer I had to get to class...oh yeah! I don't have class, I have lunch. Hehe I'm such a dork. Nearly skipping off to Lunch I was stopped by a tall muscular wall. "Sorry."

"It's alright...doll." Looking up I realized it was Craig. Oh fuck shit! I squirmed as his arms wrapped around my waist. Our face's were inches from each other but right when I thought he was gonna kiss me he pulled his face away from mine."You'r so cute Cammy."

"No kiss?" I said sounding kinda complainy rather than relived. He raised an eyebrow at me before smirking. Damn his stupid smirk. At least I knew what was going to happen know, maybe I could...

"It's been forever so..." He let go and pushed me back, his hands on my shoulders pinning me to a nearby wall. As he pressed his lips to mine my stomach had that funny feeling again. I have no clue what the feeling was but It made me want to puke. In a good way though, if that makes sense. His hands left my shoulders as I wrapped my arms around his neck bringing him closer, deepening the kiss.

"Damn Cammy." Craig panted pulling away my arms following suit. What the fuck was I even doing wrapping my arms around him.

"What?" I looked away averting his gaze.

"You'r just-" He began only to be cut off by the release bell. Aww I missed lunch. How long were we making out for?! Ok so if I left at, you know what screw it, I don't have time for these calculations.

"See ya!" I waved walking away from him and towards my friends. Boy was I glad to be out of that awkward situation.

"Camilla! Where have you been girl?!" Riley asked pulling my face into her chest.

"Let go Riley!" I demanded. After letting go I just told her I was busy making up a test for Mrs.Nitram which as you know was a total lie.

"What about the boy?" She asked glancing over at Craig and the others.

"Oh nothing..." I answered laughing awkwardly. This was obviously something I did not want to discuss with anyone. I changed the subject and continued to until the end of the day.

"Camel, please tell me! I know you have been changing the subject all day when I brought him up." She whined as we stopped at my door step.

"Riley we have all weekend to talk about it, cant you just wait. And since when are you Anba?" I taunted. She just crossed her arms across her chest like a small child."At least until we get inside."

"Oh by the way Camel, Camilla. You remember Canyon's party is this weekend right?"

"Yeah of course." I lied. I had forgotten all about it with everything going on. To much stress about what Alec was going to do to me.

"Well I actually have a date." My ears perked up.

"Really, who?" I asked taking a seat on the couch.

"I'll tell you right after you tell me about the boy." God dammit Riley.

"Fine we're working on a project together in Social Studies." The look on her face told me she was convinced. Now to know who her date was!

"Geez Camilla it wasn't that hard now was it? But anyways I'm going with you!" Are you kidding me Riley?! I was close to spilling the beans just so you could tell me what I already knew. At least what I told her was a lie and had no corelation with what actually happened. Weird that Craig wasn't as rough as he usually was, weirder that I just went along with it to. I must be sick or something. I would make sense of course, my stomach getting all fluttery and stuff. Hopefully I get better from whatever I have and nothing like that ever happens again.

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