Chapter 3

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"So do you just want to chill here? I mean it is friday." I said with a wink. She just laughed and said sure. Hours flew by of us doing the dumbest shit. It was about five when we finally knocked out.

"Camie!" Riley urged shaking me.

"What?" I groaned sitting my self up.

"What is this?!" She shrieked tugging my shirt up, revealing the multi colored bruise and my pink bra.

"Nothing!" I tugged the cloth from her hand and pulled it down quickly.

"That's not nothing." Her voice sounded skeptical as she raised a brow.

"Fine," I confessed,"I fell to my side and hit a water fountain."

"Oh I'm sorry, must have hurt like a bitch." She moved a strand of her blonde hair from her face.

"Riley, how did you even see it?" I questioned.

"Well, while you were sleeping your shirt went up and bam! I saw it." She said making hand gestures.

"Hey, do you know what time it is?" I asked wanting to change the subject.

"3."She chirrped, I slumped back down on my blanket and pillow covered floor.

"Well, what do you want to do?" I asked looking up at her.

"How about movies?" She suggested, I just nodded my head. Heck lets just end the day with a flick before she goes. *Ding-Dong*

"I'll get that Riley. You just look for a movie." I yelled running down the stairs to the front door.

"Hello?" I began to unlock the door.

""Hello, sweety." Siad my mom with a warm smile stepping in and walking into the kitchen.

"So what are you girls doing?" She asked setting her purse and black bag onto the counter.

"Movies." I answered.

"Hey! I found one!" Riley shouted from upstairs.

"Coming!" I shouted back galloping up the stairs. Entering my room I took a seat on my bed as she slid the disk in."So what we watchin?"

"Just a little something special." She smiled deviously taking a seat next to me. Trailers passed and soon the promo for the movie popped up. 50 shades of Bound.

"Uhm Riley. Where did you get this?" I turned to her.

She just laughed evilly,"Your mom's bedroom. Now watch!" She covered my mouth , picked up the remote with the other and hit play. Now I was against watching this but, it was just so interesting...

"Wow." Riley said dazed, her nose slightly bleeding. Damn.

"I can't belive you made me watch that smut! You have corrupted me woman." I took her by the shoulders shaking her vigoursly.

"Chill girl, It's just a movie plus your already corrupted." True I was.

Many of the events in the movie reminded me of what the boys would do to me. Now they didn't tie me up and hit me with a belt but still, I'm sure have gotten some sort of sexual pleasure out of doing the things they do to me.

"Camie!" Riley yelled in my left ear snapping me from my thoughts.

"W-what?!" Thanks Riley, now I'm deaf in one ear.

"Do you think your mom does this kind of stuff?" What the hell was she implying about my mum?

"Dude what the hell kind of question is that!?" I questioned.

"Well, I'm glad you asked." She began with a smirk,"When I was sorting through your mothers belongings I found several interesting objects."

"Wait why were you even in there?"

"I thought she would have some cool movies for us." I face palmed at her answer. Just, really?

"Well, what did you find?" I asked raising an eyebrow. I mean what could my mum possibly own? Well besides this movie...

"A nurse's outfit, some hand cuffs, massaging candles, a riding crop, and a whip." She flicked her wrist emphasising the word whip.

"Dear lord..." I put my hands to my mouth shocked. There was no way that my mum would do such a thing. But then again she is very vague when she talks about her job to me. All she would really say was that she helps men with their problems... No, stop bad thoughts!

"I bet you your mom is a dominatrix." Riley suggested, sticking one finger in the air hitting the light bulb moment.

"No, just no."There was no way, wait, maybe she's lying? Yes that's it!,"You know what? If your telling the truth show me the stuff."

She grabbed my wrist anxiously and dragged me across the hall that lead to my mum room. Upon entering her room I was a bit skeptical but hey, I needed to know. Wether I would liked what I found, or not.

"Open it." Riley said. I was hesitant but the curiosity got the better of me. Grasping the knob I turned it and flung the door open. I could not believe my eyes, Riley was right.

"Camilla! Riley! What are you doing?" My mother gasped looking horrified.

"Seem's like you have some explaining to do Miss.Gurrero." Riley teased.

"Shut up Riley." I hissed hitting her in the shoulder.

"Your right Riley, I think your old enough to know now. Get over here." Mum took a seat on her bed and signaled me over. God this was not happening!

Taking a seat next to her she put her arm around me, looking me in the eyes."Mom, you don't need to. I'd rather not know."

"No, you need to." No I didnt!"I am a dominatrix."

"Haha! I knew it!" Riley cheered. I just gave her a look before insisting to my mum that I didn't need or want to know anymore of her job.

"Well I want to know~" Riley chimmed. Rolling my eyes I covered my ears and told Riley to shut up. Does she always have to be like this? God my best friend is so weird...

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