Chapter 6

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"Oh hey." I said nervously turning around. There stood Alec, arms crossed. What am I in for?

"So, Craig told me." Alec said glowering at me. Oh fuck!

"What do you want?" I asked in a hushed tone that only he could hear.

"Nothing now,their are to many people around, but later." He gave me a devious smile before walking off. Really, your going to do this to me?! Great, so now I'll be on my guard all day or until whenever this happens. So I'll pretty much be a fucking wreck until it happens.

"Hey Cam-" Said a voice catching me off guard causing me to turn around and slap them, hard.

"Oh my god! I'm so sorry Drayk!" I apologized feeling stupid.

"No it's okay." He said trying to laugh it off. His cheek was pretty red, ugh! Why did I do that! I mean how could I, I just saw Alec walk away, and it's not like he can pop out behind me after I watched him walk off.

"No it's not, but, grr it's all his fault!" I huffed.

"Hehe, who's fault?" Drayk asked, his cheek turning back to it's normal color.

"Oh, no one, it's nothing." I really didn't want him to know.

"Ok, what ever." He laughed.

"So, um is there something you want?" I blushed staring down at my feet. The embarrassment worn off but now my stomach was all fluttery inside.

"Yeah, you wanna chill with me and mah friends?" He asked stuffing his hands in the pockets of his navy blue jacket.

"Uhm, sure." I answered as he took my hand, leading me off to his table. Did I really think this through, no! I hope none of the guys catches me, they'll kill me. I swear it's like I'm in a relationship with all three of them and this is like cheating, even though were not going out! My life is so complicated.

"Hey guys, this is Camilla. Camilla, this is guys." Drayk introduced me. Sitting at the table were Canyon, the Vantas twins Allen and Tim, Alyssa, and some other people who I didn't recognize.

"Hey." I said shyly. Everyone gave me a warm smile. Lunch passed by rather painless. At first I thought everyone would be bitch to me, but they werent. I guess I got them all wrong, but then again I just met them. I'm way to fast to judge.

As soon as the realse bell rang for lunch I caught up to my friends, leaving Drayk to walk off with his friends. Len and Anba were fighting, as usual, Riley was off in her own world.

"Hey Ry!" I said giving the girl a hug from behind. It was just the trick to snap her from her daze.

"Oh hey Camy." She said seeming happy to see me."Where were you during lunch. I had to deal with these two bufoons."

"I'm sorry but I was with Drayk and his friends." I smiled.

"Ooh!" She nearly screamed,"That's so cute!"

"Riley that isn't cute. Drayk is a total prick." Len said angrily.

"Really Len?" I questioned shooting him a look,"the" look. He didn't answer, instead he broke off from our group and went his own way. Later Anba went off to his own class leaving just me and Riley.

Walking to Art we talked about all the drama going down at our school. Apparently Canyon has been dating Alyssa but were currently on a break. Also more teen pregnancies, the most latest Stephanie. Poor girl, she had so much ahead of her.

"Hey Autum." Riley waved to the artistic red head in the corner of the large class. Pushing up her glasses she waved wildly at us. Taking a table we shed or back packs off . Looking through them we pulled out our sketchbooks and worked on the assignment given to us on the board. Today we had to draw something that inspired us. For me that would be music, Riley, anime. Sketching down various music notes and artist I noticed Craig walk into the room.

Are you kidding me?! Well at least I won't be alone with him, I have Riley. I watched him give a pink piece of paper to our teacher Mr.Jones. Taking the note in his young hands he looked it over before pointing us out to Craig. Seeing me he smirked. I don't get why you be smirking, you cant do shit brah! I giggled to myself at the thought. Countinuing to sketch I felt someone bump into my shoulder.

"Hey doll." He said trying to get my attention. Instead of doing anything I just ignored him. Countining to bother me I realized Riley hadent even noticed, she was too concentrated on her drawing. Glancing back up at the board I saw Mr.Jones scribbling something down.

"That's cool." I heard Craig say, him tipping back in his chair. Oh I hope he falls. Yes, yes I know that's mean of me but don't I deserve a little retribution from all the crap he has put me through.*Crack*

"Fuck!" I heard Craig yell as something hit the floor. Turning my attention to him I noticed he was lying on the floor. The whole class including me broke out laughing."I'm good, If anyone wanted to know."

"Oh, ha, you, haha, okay?" Getting what I wanted I could at least help him up."Be more, hehe, carefull."

He face turned a bright red,"No thanks. I don't need your help." I pulled my hand away as he helped himself up.

"Oh that's just great!" Mr.Jones laughed pulling out a broom and other things associated with sweeping. Cleaning up the mess the bell went off. Craig had stayed behind to help as me and Riley left for our next class. It was boring as hell, as usual. The class after that was when I was most anxious, for obvious reasons...

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