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•Marius telling his son stories about the men he was named after•

Marius sat down next to his son.
"Enjolras, now that your older, I wanna tell you a story." Marius said, looking at the blond curly haired boy. Hair that reminded Marius too much of his name sake. "Years ago, before you were born, before your mom and I were even married, my life changed forever. You see, back when I was in school I had two best friends, Enjolras and Grantaire. We did everything together. Even if it wasn't the smartest. Enjolras was our leader, he was full of and hope. And anger. Anger towards the unfair government. Enj thought it was corrupt, and unfair to the common people. He wanted to see a change. So he planned. He got the boys at school to agree to join him. He lit a fire that could not be doused in our young hearts. He planned for ages, waiting for the perfect time to set his plan in motion. Then it came. Enjolras rallied the boys and they built a barricade. On that barricade, I lost all my friends. Enjolras fell at the barricade for the cause he believed so strongly in. He was one of the bravest men I knew.
Now, as for Grantaire, he was always good for a laugh. He was a good kid, but as he grew he realized how bad the world had become. He handled this in a different way than Enjolras. He turned to drinking. But even though he always had a drink in his hand, he had a smile in his face too. He cracked jokes and kept the Amis from getting too serious. I like to believe by the end he had come to fight for the cause Enjolras had begun but I don't know. He only really believed in 2 things, liquor, and Enjolras. They died hand in hand for a cause. Enjolras for France, and Grantaire for Enjolras. I miss them everyday. They were some of the greatest men I knew. Everyone on that barricade, all my friends,  we're strong and amazing. I would've have named you after all of them, but I had to save some for Coufeyrac and Combferre!" Marius smiled as his two younger sons ran through the house. One day he would tell them about their name sakes as he had for Enjolras. But he would wait until they could understand the importance better. "I love you Enjolras Grantaire." Marius said, both to his son and the young revolutionaries he was named for.

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