The Colors

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•You see the world in black and white until you touch your soulmate. Enjolras and Grantaire only see colors for a second, holding hands before they die•

Enjolras had sung about the colors of the world, but he had never seen them.
Now, standing in the Cafe Musain, waiting for the soldiers to find him, he wished he could see them. He wanted nothing more than to see the red he sang so often about. Then the soldiers came, pointing their guns at him. He tightened his grip on the fabric in his shaking hands, the one Marius had promised him was red.
A man appeared behind the line of soldiers. Grantaire. Enjolras smiled. At least he wouldn't be alone. Slowly, Grantaire came to stand beside him.
The strong and unafraid air Enjolras put on was crumbling.
He was terrified.
But would never back down.
Desperate for comfort, he reached out and grabbed Grantaire's hand.
The world burst into color.
He glanced at Grantaire, and knew he saw it too.
Clutching his soulmates hand, he held the fabric above his head proudly.
It was red.
He could finally see the colors.
A shot rang out, and he saw no more.

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