January 5, 2034

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Oliver is extremely smart for his age. He was contacted by a special talent organization that sponsored him to take the ACT last year. He received a twenty-nine, and now our mailbox is filled with colleges wanting him. On most days, he shuffles through the letters uninterested. Today, though, I caught him eyeing up a letter a little longer than the rest.

“Oliver, what college is that letter from?” I ask.

 “The United States Air Force Academy.”

“Oh, really? I got one of those back in the day too,” I say while walking over to take a closer look.

“You did? What made you not want to go?”

“I wasn’t interested. Are you?”

He took a few seconds to answer and said, “I think so. I talked with the guidance counselor last week about my options. She was pushing a Big Ten college. But, on her desk, she had a picture of her husband, and he is in the Air force. I asked her some simple questions about it, and I really liked what she had to say.  She gave me contact information for the local recruiter. I added him on Facebook and sent him a message. We talked a lot, and he’s really nice. Plus, the deployment is a little shorter than Dad’s.”

And with huge eyes, he looks at me and says, “Mom, I think this is the one.”

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