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 It was a dark, beautiful September night in a South American rainforest, the perfect night for a killing. At least, in the eyes of a certain female white tiger, whose name won't be mentioned just yet.

 Her soft paws made no noise on the ground, for she was very swift and elite. The house that her targets were in was bare centimeters away from her current position, and snoring could be heard from inside. The door was so fragile, that it only needed a light shove in order to be pushed down. Creeping through the poorly made house, she followed the strong aroma of human flesh. She savored the scent and smell of humans, and it was not every day that she had the privilege of eating them.

 Soon enough, the tiger came across two dark figures sleeping side by side on the floor, both snoring rather loudly. Now was the moment. In just a second, the she-tiger had managed to slay both of the adults, before they could wake up or cry out in agony. Gently, she dragged their limp bodies towards the open door, mouth watering.

 As she was leaving, there was a small, desperate baby wail, which she thought was best to ignore. Babies didn't have too much fat on them, plus, the baby would probably starve to death before it could learn to eat for itself...

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