Secrets out.

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Alex's P.O.V
An hour went by and you could see everyone was ready to kill themselves. Each student had their own little corner of mess but never stuck to it.

'Right guys, your time is up so if you scurry off to your dorms and we will sort the rest out.' Noah stood at the front with his messy hair flopped over his right eye. He looked so cute. He was wearing his baseball top. The sleeves were black and the chest was white. He kept sneaking glances at me but looked away each time but I never lost my eye contact with him. I regret ending it with him but at the time I thought I was doing it for his future.

'You heard Mr. Rivers. Go on get going!' Screamed Mr. Martin. God knows why he's getting involved.

'Alex, are you okay?' Asked Kyle placing his hand on my shoulder. I shook my head from my daze and nodded.

'I better find Sophie so we can go back to the dorm. See you later Kyle.' I slid from under his arm and scurried off to find Sophie. Kyle has caused me enough trouble with Noah, having him out his arm around me will just be the cherry on the top of the cake.

More thank likely she will be with Max so I'm probably better off looking for Max and his bright blonde hair.


I turned around and it was George Manner. I spoke to him a lot in chemistry as we always sat together. I think he's one of the funniest guys I've ever met. If I had to compare him to anyone it would have to be Greg Sulkin. He wore them geeky glasses that look irresistible on boys just like Greg Sulkin.

'Oh hey George. You okay?' I smiled.

'Yeah.. well apart from the hour I just spent cleaning pizza up from the floor. Thanks for that by the way.'

'I know it was an extremely stupid idea but I'm just so bored!' I sighed.

'That walk today was crap. You're lucky you didn't go anyway. What was wrong with you?'

'Erm... I had stomach cramps. Girl issues.' I lied knowing he wouldn't judge me for that. But really I was having the time of my life with the love of my life.

'Aww, not gonna lie but I don't think I could handle being a girl. Too many things to deal with. Honestly I praise you.' He began to applaud me very loudly. I began to blush with embarrassment.

'Mr. Manner and Miss. Williams you have been told twice to head back to your dorms. Is there a reason you have ignored the instructions?' Moaned Mr. Mosley. I really wanted to burst out laughing but tried to stop myself. I tilted my head over to look at George who looked like he was going to explode.

'Sorry sir, we will go now.' I said trying not to laugh.

I grabbed Georges arm and pulled him in the opposite direction to the hall.

The further we walked away the louder our laughs got. Tears formed in my eyes and my jaw began to hurt just from laughing.

'That was so funny! His voice sounds like a 6 year old girl!' George burst out laughing again and I joined him.

'C'mon then Miss. Williams I will escort you back to your room.' He stretched out his arm and bent it to the side as if he wanted to my link my arms with his. So I did.

'I would love for you to escort me back to my room Mr. Manner.' I giggled. We glided elegantly back along the patio which was still wet from earlier but it didn't bother me one bit. We entered the building and a wave of heat hit us in the face.

'Ahh.' We both sighed with relief. I unlinked my arm from Georges and walked next to him normally. His hands slid into his pockets and his head bowed down.

'We've never really spoken outside of Chem have we? It's been fun.' He lifted his head up and looked at me.

'Yeah, that has actually been the best part of my day.' I laughed. Okay tiny lie. The best part of my day was when me and Noah showed eachother we loved eachother and I would do anything to be with him right now. And cuddle him. And kiss him.

'Anyway this is me.' I sighed. 'Thanks for cheering me up and walking me to my room.'

'No problem. Maybe we can hang out again tomorrow?' He asked with hope in his eyes.

'Sure.' I gave him a huge smile before turning around to unlock my door.

'So I walk you to your room and don't even get a goodbye hug?'

I turned back around and flung my arms around him. He placed his hands on the small of my back and all of my body tingled. His aftershave surrounded me and it felt amazing. But the only person I really wanted to be doing this with was Noah.

'Right see you tomorrow.' He smiled.

'Bye.' I unraveled my arms from around him and as I turned to unlock the door for the second time, of course Noah was stood by the front door of the building. Shit I thought. I didn't know what to do but me being me pulled on a push door. My head collided with the door.

'Shit.' I murmured.

'Alex, are you okay?' The two voices said allowed in sync.

'I'm fine.' A rush of common sense flew into my brain and I actually opened the door like a normal person. As soon as I did I pushed myself into the room.

'Woah, what's going on with you?'

'Sophie I need to tell you something. I've been hiding this huge secret from everyone but I think I need to tell someone because it's all been building up inside of me and I think I'm just going to explode or something and then I will......'

'SLOW DOWN! I'm going dizzy just from listening to you.' Ophir stood up from her bed and placed her hands on my shoulders.

'Sit down, deep breaths and when you're ready then tell me.' She put pressure onto my shoulder causing me to sit down. I breathed in through my nose and out my mouth multiple times until I felt relaxed.

'Right, are you calm?' She asked in a reassuring voice. I nodded.

'I've been living with Mr. Rivers.'

'What?! Lucky you!' She gasped. Not the response I was looking for but oh well.

'Wait, Why have you even living with him? I thought you lived in the little flat?' Her eyes expanded which made her look as if se was high when in reality she was very shocked.

'Well he saw what a state I was in and what I was going through so asked if he could look after me.' I intwined my fingers together and started rubbing them anxiously.

'That's so kind of him. Why didn't you tell me in the first place?'

'Because that's not the only thing that's been going on.'

'What, have you been sleeping with your teacher or something?' She burst out laughing. I stayed silent.

I said nothing.


Moving in with my English teacher (studentxteacher) (Cameron Dallas)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant