The best thing I ever had.

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Noah's P.O.V
I watched as the hands moved slowly around the clock. My foot tapped impatiently. I couldn't wait to get out of here and see my girl. When I was little all I ever wanted to be was a teacher and now I finally have it, but nothing matters anymore apart from keeping Alex happy. I could lose my job, lose my house and all my money but if I was with Alex everything would feel okay.

'Sir, where's Alex?' Asked a girls voice from the front row. I returned my attention the the room full of students.

'Erm... I'm not quite sure. I overheard the teachers talking about her today so she's fine don't worry.' I smiled down at Sophie who I remembered from the first day was Alex's best friend. I wonder if she knows?

'What you doing for your birthday then, sir?'

I laughed aloud.

'Well I think I'm a bit old for parties now so maybe just a quiet night in with a pizza and your books so I can mark them.' I began packing my things away in my briefcase. My eyes darted to and from the clock.

'Don't you have a girlfriend?'

'Not that it's anything to do with you, Kate but yes I do.' I smiled down at her.

'Then won't she have planned something for you?'

'I doubt it, she has been very busy but I'm happy with a quiet night in anyway, I don't need to be remembered of my age.' I laughed. I kept trying to change the subject as I knew I wouldn't be able to control myself from telling everyone I was in love with a student in their class. The final bell rang for the end of the day.

'Right class I'll see you all tomorrow afternoon as I am on a teachers course in the morning.' I watched as the class fled out of the room. I whipped my phone out from my pocket and began to call Alex.

'Hello birthday boy.' She giggled. Oh no, my little friend is appearing. She has no idea that even just her laugh can turn me on.

'Hey baby, you feeling any better?'

'Oh errrrr... Yeah thanks. Much better. So when you going to be back?'

'Will be about 15 minutes. Just gonna stop at the corner shop and get some beers for tonight.' I picked up my car keys off the desk and started walking to the door.

'I've got us some drinks so just come straight home.' Alex replied very quickly.

'What's going on?' I asked laughing.

'Nothing, I just really want to see you.'

'Aww baby, I've missed you so much. Right I better go so I can get back to you as son as possible. Love you.'

'Love you more.' She hung up.

Alex's P.O.V
I threw my phone across the couch in the living room. I ran into the kitchen and checked everything was okay. I hope Noah likes it. I ran upstairs and began to get ready. My little black dress was lay out on the bed. I slid off my sweat pants and loose top and manoeuvred into my dress. I tied my long brown hair into a high messy ponytail, I pulled a few strands out to complete the look. I felt like I had to rush with everything. I just needed everything to be perfect.

'Where's my baby girl?' Called the voice I had longed to hear all day. I smiled to myself in the mirror before exiting the room.

Noah's P.O.V
I could hear her little feet walking across the floorboards upstairs. I waited at the bottom of the staircase. The first thing I saw were her beautiful long legs. I could feel my heart pumping out of my chest. Next came her slim waist and stomach. The dress complimented her curves in the right places perfectly. And then came her gorgeous face. I watched as she bought her eyes up to mine and shot a smile my way. She ran down the stairs with her hair sliding to either side in her ponytail. Her petite little body ran straight into my arms.

Moving in with my English teacher (studentxteacher) (Cameron Dallas)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt