Moving in with my teacher...

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Mr. Rivers told the school there was a family emergency just so he could help me move in to his house. I told the school i wasn't feeling too good so we both just left.
We got in his car and started driving to my apartment.

'Where do you live sir?' I asked making conversation.

'I think under these circumstances you can call me Noah, I wouldn't want you living in my house and calling me sir and Mr. Rivers.' He laughed. I saw his eyes dart to and from me while looking in the rear view mirror. He looked really uneasy. I hope I wasn't making him feel uncomfortable and now regretting the offer he made.

'Its okay, you don't have to take me in to your home. I understand that in the moment you probably thought that was the only way you could help me, I understand.' I only said this so he had an option. I didn't want him to feel like he has to adopt me.

'Don't worry Alex, I'm always lonely in my house. Well there is my dog Rufus.' he laughed

'It would be nice to have some human company. And it's no problem. I don't want a smart girl like you having to worry at house payments.' His reassuring voice made me feel comfortable and not awkward at all. Now that I think about it I am in a teachers car ready to go live with him? What the hell has happened?
We arrived at the flats and I was embarrassed to admit to living here. All the plaster had come off the walls and the building was grey and falling apart. Gangs would hang around here smoking pot and dealing drugs. Doors were off there hinges and windows were smashed. I'm surprised I'm still alive if I'm honest. I heard Mr. Riv... I mean Noah take a gulp before stepping out the car.
'You live here?' He asked hoping we had gotten the wrong address.
I nodded my head in embarrassment and lead the way towards the smashed door. I punched in the code to my room and the door opened.

'Watch your step.' I said pointing at the rail that was supposed to be sturdy but instead it was loose and nearly gone.
We headed up the steps until we reached a room. In the room was 2 doors facing eachother. My door had a mat that said 'welcome' and the other door had a sign saying 'go away'
'I'm guessing this ones yours.' laughed Noah pointing at the mat which read 'welcome'

I inserted the key in the lock and jiggled it around a bit until the clicking sound was heard. The door swung open and we were already in the entire apartment. The toilet, bedroom, shower and sink was all in one room.

'I'm so sorry Alex.' was all Noah seemed to be able to say to me today.

'Don't be.' I threw the keys on the sofa and walked over to my extremely small wardrobe. I picked up the pile of clothes that were stuffed in there and threw them in a bin bag. That took around 30 seconds. I don't think I've ever felt so embarrassed in my life.

'I've got bed sheets so I think you've got all you need.' Noah smiled and took the bin bag from me.

'C'mon, lets go home.' he winked at me but not in a creepy way but in a 'don't worry' way. I think I might be falling for him.

Noah's P.O.V
Alex and I started making our way back down to my car. I could no longer hear her little footsteps or breathing behind me so I quickly turned around and saw her stood on the top step staring into space.

'Are you okay?' I asked calling up to her.

She shook her head out of her daze
'Why are you doing this for me?' She asked with tears rolling down her face.

'I feel like I need to protect you Alex, I want to be there for you.' I threw the bin bag on the floor and walked up to her.

'Alex, it's okay.' I wrapped my arm around her shoulder and lead her down the steep steps.

Moving in with my English teacher (studentxteacher) (Cameron Dallas)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ