It wasn't meant to be

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'You've been so quiet ever since we dropped Tom off at the hospital? Are you okay?' Noah clutched hold of my knee has his other hand focused on steering the wheel of the car.

'He asked me a question today that I didn't want to answer but I know I'll have to someday.'

'What did he ask you?' Noah slowed down the gear and turned his head to look at me. I couldn't keep myself together. Pictures were going through my mind that shouldn't of been. Not yet anyway. I could just picture my little brother lying lifeless on the hospital bed.

'Don't cry baby girl, come on tell me what's wrong.' Noah took hold of my hand and held it up again this lips, caressing it in his presence.

'He asked....' I couldn't finish.

'He asked how long he had left to live.' The view went blurry as tears flooded out of them. My cheeks started burning and my lip was trembling.

'We all know he's a strong kid, when we took him out today he didn't even act like a little boy with an illness. He was a polite, sweet, brave boy!'

'Noah, I don't know what I'm going to do without him.'

'We don't even need to think about that yet, all we need to do is live in the present and enjoy ever moment of it.' His soft lips kissed my knuckles after every breath.

'Noah, please stay with me.' I wiped away the tears with my free hand and looked up at him.

He jolted the car and quickly turned down a narrow country lane. He slowed down and braked. He turned off the engine.

Noah took off his seatbelt and turned around to face me.

'Alex, I don't want you thinking about all these things. You're 17 you need to enjoy life! I promise you I will never leave you, I love you too much to leave.'

I could feel Noah's breath tremble with anger. I didn't want to make him feel angry over my life. But what he said was so sweet. I scooted closer to him and placed my hand on his stubbly cheek.

'Why am I so lucky to have you?' I asked while stroking my thumb under his eye. The silence was nice. Just thin air between Noah and I. But after a little while I felt him go all funny. His cheek began twitching as if he was trying to get rid of my hand.

'You know we can't be together Alex?' The words sounded like they fell out of his mouth. I don't even think he was expecting to say them.

'Why? Because of the law. I can't help who I fall in love with, Noah.'

'As much as I want to be with you, we can't make it work. We would have to see eachother everyday and pretend that we don't have these feelings. I don't think I could do that.' I let go of his hands and placed them back on my lap. I can't believe he's telling me all this.

'You're 17, you need someone who can be affectionate with you in public. You need someone who can take you to fancy restaurants and hold your hand in front of people.'

'I don't give a shit about any of that. I want you.' The car began to get more heated within the tension. I couldn't breathe.

'Alex, it's illegal. If anybody found out about us I could get put in jail and you could get kicked out of school.'

'So was that your plan today then? You were going to spoil my brother and I and act like you were going to be here for us and then tell me this.' I turned back around to face the front d the car and crossed my arms in a huff.

'Alex, today was the day I got to spend with the woman I love and her little brother......' His voice got lost after the words he expressed.

'You love me?' I gasped out. 'You can't tell me, we can't be together then tell me you love me.'

'I love you, okay? And you have no idea how much I want to be with you but I wouldn't be able to control my urges.' His voice rose with anger and almost regret.

'Lets just get back.' I sighed. I turned my head so I was no longer able to see any part of him. My eyes drifted out the window, starting deeply at the trees beside me. Noah grunted but turned the car back on and drove.

The whole car ride was in complete silence. The only noise made was when I sneezed and he replied 'bless you'. We pulled up at Noah's and undid our seat belts.

'Alex, I'm really sor.....'
'Just leave it, I'm tired.' I pulled open the car door and stormed off, slamming it behind me. I was too busy trying to leave dramatically that I forget Noah had the only set of keys so I had no way of getting in. He walked up behind me and stretched his arm across to the lock. He twisted it and jiggled it around in the lock until it opened. I took one step in but was forcefully pushed against the hallway wall with Noah's soft lips pressed against mine. I had no intention in stopping despite how angry I was at him. His big hands traced around my hips. I felt his fingers dance across my waist line, back up to my stomach then down again. It made my tummy tingle. My hands wondered around in his fluffy, brown hair. With my eyes shut tight I let my lips do all the work.

'I change my mind.' Noah said between kisses. He pulled away breathless.

'I don't care what I have to do, I don't care about the consequences. I need you.' His hands curved around my face, his nose came into contact with mine. There was only tiny oxygen particles between us now.

'Are you sure?' I asked smiling.

'I couldn't be more sure of anything.'

Moving in with my English teacher (studentxteacher) (Cameron Dallas)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ