TransFan: Go away Megatronus. It was nice without you.

WarriorBot: Wait, that's Megatronus?!

TransFan: Yep, and he will not go away. 

MysteriousCon: He he.

Sir-Punch-A-Lot: If only I could punch him through the screen.

TransFan: So do I.

MysteriousCon:  0_0

WarriorBot: Why don't you just kick him out of the chat. 

TransFan: I tried, but he always came back.

MysteriousCon: Yep.

LooksLikeStarscream: If only there was someone who could get him out of here, and keep him out.

TransFan: Fracture.

LooksLikeStarscream: What?

TransFan: I was going to say that.

LooksLikeStarscream: Well too bad.

LeaderBot:  -_-

TransFan: What is that face for?

LeaderBot: You are kind of acting like a child.

RuleBreaker: He's right.

TransFan: Well what if I am a child?!

Sir-Punch-A-Lot: Are you a child?

TransFan: No. But it doesn't matter if i'm not one, I can still act like one.

LeaderBot: What ever.

WarriorBot: It does matter, because you should always act your age, so that you don't get treated like a child.

TransFan: Oh, wise words from Drift. You should change your username from WarriorBot to WiseBot.

WarriorBot:  -_-

TransFan: Or not, it's your choice.

UntrackableCon: I think you were just taken down.

TransFan: Says the con who was kicked in the face by a Con that looks like a Grasshopper.

CybertronianCrimeBoss: Looks like that con didn't like what you did to him a while back.

UntrackableCon: Shut up, Thunderhoof.

LooksLikeStarscream: Hehe.

UntrackableCon: You two Fracture.

LooksLikeStarscream:  -_-

TransFan: I am really enjoying this.

Sir-Punch-A-Lot: So am I.

UntrackableCon: Shut up.

TransFan: Excuse me!?

Sir-Punch-A-Lot: Uh oh.

LeaderBot: You probably shouldn't of said that.

RuleEnforcer: Hear we go again.

WarriorBot: Why should he not of said that?

RuleBreaker: Well you are about to find out Drift.

TransFan: How about you say that to my face Steeljaw!

UntrackableCon: I would if I knew what you looked like, and knew where you are at!

MysteriousCon: Hehe.

TransFan: Shut up Megatronus!

MysteriousCon:  -_-

<TransFan has banned MysteriousCon from the chat.>

UntrackableCon: Hey if you keep doing that you won't have anymore friends!

TransFan: WHAT!?

LeaderBot: I think you should stop this while you still can Steeljaw.

UntrackableCon: Why should I?

LeaderBot: Because it is getting out of hand.

<TransFan has muted LeaderBot for 2 minutes.>

LooksLikeStarscream: Well that's a new one.

<TransFan has muted LooksLikeStarscream for 4 minutes.>

TransFan: Anyone else?

Everyone: Nope.

TransFan: Good. Now, Steeljaw, where were we?

UntrackableCon: Uh, I believe I was about to log off.

TransFan: Oh no you don't!

<UntrackableCon has logged out of the chat.>

TransFan: Dammit!

Sir-Punch-A-Lot: Hey there is always next time.

TransFan: That's true.

RuleEnforcer: So what now.

TransFan: Now, I am going to log off, and post this chapter on Wattpad.

WarriorBot: Chapter?

CybertronianCrimeBoss: Wattpad?

TransFan: Whoops. I said to much.

RuleBreaker: What are you talking about?

TransFan: Uh, I have to go. Bye.

WarriorBot: Wait!

<Error 404: page not found.>


Whoops, my bad, I just can't believe I did that, but i'm just glad that not everyone was not on the chat at the time that I put that. Eh, oh well, they will all probably forget about it in the next chapter, I hope. But I also hope that Steeljaw is not there, because if he is I will.......well I don't know what I will actually do if he shows up, but it won't be nice. Now that I think about it, I really don't know why I added Steeljaw to the chat in the first place, but I really don't want to remove him, because if I do that, then the other Decepticons might leave, so I have a dilemma.

Anyways, let me know what you thought about this chapter in the comment section. You can also tell me if I can improve on anything, or if you want me to add any more characters from the series to here. Also, tell me some idea for what I can do for future chapters, and if you idea is picked then I will let you know and I will let you help me write the chapter and most likely dedicate that chapter to you. 

But other than that, I hope you liked that chapter, because I don't know when the next one will be up, since I will be switch to working on my other book The other Rebels (A Star Wars Rebels fan fiction) for the time being. At least until I release the next chapter for that book, then I will work on this one again, but basically I will be switching back and forth. Now that I think of it, I also need idea for that book as well, since I don't really have that many ideas of what to do next on that one.

Till next time then.

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