I got tagged

53 9 6

- you have to post the rules.

- have to tag 13 people

-the people who are tagged must post 13 facts about them

-you must answer all the questions you're tagged in, and leave 13 questions for the people you've tagged

-you cannot refuse

-must be done in a week or else the creator decides punishment

- do comment your answer below

-must be pulished on one of your book

TAGGED BY @yerimchu

13 Facts About Me

1. 01 liner
2. 15 years old
3. december baby XD
4. kpop has been my life →_→
5. bts is my lahves <3
6. fav colours are blue, green, red, black, gold
7. fav food anything with cheese is damn good
8. fat :'D
9. ugly :'D
10. writes fanfics :)
11. my hair is still black :') planing to dye it black and grey ombre :'D one day.
12. shorty (152 cm) should drink more milk tho. ^^
13. loud asf. okay im done.

Tagged Questions

1. how old are you?

15years old ^

2.what country are you from?


3. what is your real name?

Nurizawana :')

4. what's your dreams/goals in life?

*sigh* will finally meet taehyung one day, talk to him, go on a date with him and hear him saying i love you to me. (ik ik it's kinda ugh. it's just a dreams by the way. who cares?) goals in my life? idk has been a kpopper for 6 years alr?

5. tell your attitude in other

to be honest, i'm a quiet person infront of people i don't know or i don't close to. but... if you know me longer and we became closer, i'm loud asf. like seriously LOUD. :3

6.did you have already a boyfriend?

pffttt... the real one? no TnT. but the imaginary one, i got like over thousand and taehyung ranked number one.

7. tell about your bias ot describe them in your fav girl group and boy group.

TAEHYUNGGGGGG!!!!! he's perf asf. full of derps aahahahaha. honestly i have nothing to describe him. he's just too perf. and i like yuju and sinb from gfriend. yeah i just started to be their fan so idk about them. but i like them bcause they look good and good in dancing. ;)

8. if you become a kpop idol who you like to be?

i'm a girl so i should pick female idols.. hmmm this is tough ... i want to be like
hyuna+yuju+sinb+momo+irene. yessss XD

9.who is your friend gere in watty world or wattpad?

Dgnurafiqah, baekhyunee_4, squidhyungs, ansheaan more actually but idk their username

10. why are you making stories?

i'm just being the idiot me, wanting to feel how to have readers, votes, and how people like my writings maybe? or maybe i have too many ideas of love story in my mind and want to express them by writing stories. :c

11. are the things you love?

kpop. korea. seoul. daehan minguk. hangul. dance choreography. song. kimbap. (*^▽^*)

12. what are the reason you became a kpopper?

big bang and 2NE1. kpop is life bruhhh. i got uncountable reason became a kpopper. but i started being a kpopper is on 2010 when bigbang debuted(? idk) GD is just muahhxxx.

13. anything you want to say about yourself.

hello. and nope.


1. Where do you come from?
2. What language do you speak at home/school?
3. how did you became a kpopper?
4. first kpop song you heard?
5. first kpop idol/group you fall in love with?
6. current bias and why?
7. have you been to Korea? if yes tell how was it.
8. if you get to date with your bias. tell how you want your bias to propose you. XD.
9. do you write fanfics? if yes how many stories do you write?
10. how long have you been a kpopper? when did you started?
11. are you an ARMY? if yes how did you became one?
12. idol hair colour?
13. list the song that you memorized the choreography.

(so sorry tho. im not good at doing questions :c.)



random tho :)

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