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Golden Age technology never ceased to amaze Tanis. He caught the doctor performing the end of the surgery and watched from there. Alaura floated above an operating table, allowing the doctor to move her effortlessly. The tools she used on Alaura were small, and had functions Tanis couldn't even name.

When the operation came to a close, the boys helped put Alaura onto a bed, where she now lay. A purple, weightless, shimmering field formed above her; a hologram display popped up next to the bed, showing her vitals. The doctor stepped out to take a breath and wash up, leaving the boys to sit there, waiting patiently in the warm colored room for a few minutes. They chatted, laughed, and made jokes about different things to lighten the mood.

"Do you ever wonder why we're here?" Tanis changed the light conversation to a more realistic one. What Echo said about memory wipes the other day stuck with him, burying into his mind. What were his teammates hiding, and why wouldn't they tell him? A sense of isolation and near abandonment settled in his system. Those feelings felt so familiar, but he couldn't place his finger on what it meant, and that only frustrated him more.

Malachi glanced over at Alaura to see if she had moved. Nada. Jarvis rested on the side table, staring at his guardian, lost in thought. Macey rested in his lap with her eye closed, silently listening to their conversation. Dinklebot hung on Tanis' shoulder, without a doubt whispering things to him in his mind. The question bounced off the walls of Malachi's mind as he mulled it over. Why are we here?

After everything the fireteam had gone through, he still wasn't sure. It all brought up more questions and no answers. Were they the chosen ones? Were there more people that could wield the Light? Were they destined to bring balance to the force? The last one made Malachi's mouth twitch up into a smile. Nonetheless, were they supposed to end The Darkness once and for all? Or did The Traveler send them to the future based on false hope?

He finally decided to reply, "To be honest, Tanis, I have no clue. All I know is that I could've killed you two when we first met, but something nagged me not to. That's how we ended up here."

Tanis pondered it for a moment. The galaxy was so vast and full of potential knowledge! His knowledge was miniscule compared to what's out there. He yearned to find it all, but something tethered him with his team. Dinklebot explained it was the Light and The Traveler's will. It sounded plausible, but was his potential truly destined to be wasted here, battling at the end of humanity with people that held back a huge secret from him? "Do you think we're making real a difference?"

"Yes. That's what Alaura's been adamant about. You thought the same thing once."

"I didn't ask about our opinions. What about you?" Tanis pointed out.

"I used to think that the whole world could burn, and I wouldn't give a damn." He ran his tongue over his lips and stared blankly in front of him. He mindlessly played with his throwing knife, running his fingers over the smooth back edge. "Your guys' passion and drive to save humanity rubbed off on me. Some don't deserve to be saved, but that shouldn't condemn all of them. I think we're making a difference, even if it is a small one," he replied, not fully believing those words as they left his mouth.

If Tanis could smile, now was the time he wanted to the most. He'd seen Malachi at his worst, and watching him change overtime into this person was incredibly inspiring. "I'll tell Alaura that when she wakes up."

Malachi groaned, throwing his head back, "She'll never let me hear the end of it."

Tanis patted his shoulder and stood up. "I'm going to talk to the doctor before she leaves." Letting someone with so much information about Golden Age technology leave without speaking to them was a wasted opportunity. He hurriedly walked out of the room, his circuits sparking off in excitement.

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