7-Lost and Found

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AN: Everything is picking up in the next two chapters and I am so ECSTATIC! Who is your favorite character so far? :D 

A gentle breeze swept through the trees of the small empty park. The old swing set creaked with every push the wind gave. The seesaw appeared worn down to an almost broken state. The slide had a small hole in it, so if a kid decided to slide down on it, they'd probably crack the whole thing and it would crumble. Birds chirped in the trees and butterflies flew around the playground.

Tanis waited patiently for the other two to arrive. They're going to come. They did the first time. He sat on one of the benches that still stood as a whole and waited. He had been waiting for three days for them to find him. If they traveled to some desert for the object, they'd be able to find him out in the middle of some small town easily.

Fear remained in his system from earlier in the week. Whatever happened to cause the lab to explode came from his hands. That was all him. This mysterious object changed Tanis, and he didn't like it one bit. He was already different from other people. Why make it worse?

He was afraid to touch everything in case it would disintegrate. He couldn't bear the thought of touching someone else and having their death on his hands. Literally. A shiver ran down his spine just thinking about it.

Alaura walked up to Tanis without fear, her mind calm and collected. Her duel pistols were holstered in her thigh holsters underneath her long army jacket. It would be hard to walk around people with visible weapons. She stood in front of the bench and peered down at him. "You've been sitting here for a while."

Tanis nodded in acknowledgement, and he looked up at her with his chestnut shaded eyes. A sorrowful expression covered his face and all he wanted to do was be alone. "I just want this thing out of my sight." He held the object outwards toward her, leaving room so he doesn't touch her hand, and waited for her to grab it.

"Why the change of heart?" Alaura looked at him curiously, her navy blue eyes searching his face for some hidden emotion. Something bad happened to this guy, but did it have to with the object?

Tanis stood up and pushed the object into her hands. He moved slightly in his thin jacket and awkwardly swayed from side-to-side. He looked the other way and sternly replied, "How about you don't question me and I won't question you. Got it?"

"Okay then. I'll be on my way." Alaura put the object in her small bag that she brought and started to walk towards her car down the block. The object was retrieved. Mission success. Now, she could go back to her superiors triumphant.

Malachi stepped forward from behind a tree and pointed a pistol at Alaura's back. He clicked the safety off and hovered his finger over the trigger. His dark brown eyes focused on Alaura, revealing the hatred and anger. He called out to her, "That object isn't yours."

"And last time I checked, it wasn't yours," she retaliated and turned her head slightly to look back at him. A knowing sparkle was in her eye. Calling his bluff seemed too easy. "You didn't shoot the first time, so why would you now, especially in front of a witness?"

Malachi contemplated for a moment as he pointed the pistol at Alaura's back. On one hand, he could keep his word and kill her, or...Or he could fight her for it. Something nagged at him in the back of his mind to go with the second option. He tried to shake the feeling off, but it persisted and wouldn't leave. Malachi licked his lips and put his gun away. He narrowed his eyes and growled, "I'll take it from you myself."

Malachi ran at her and eyed the small bag. He went to grab it, but Alaura punched him in the jaw. He stumbled backwards, and a soaring pain flowed through his tongue. He had bitten his tongue on accident; some blood mixed with his saliva, the bitter metallic taste dancing across his taste buds. He spit the blood out and grimaced.

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