26-Battle of the Lost

Start from the beginning

A sigh echoed over comms, presumably from Dinklebot. Jarvis spoke up, "Our reports say Mercury was transformed into a garden world. The Vex seem to be...altering it, somehow. It's nothing but desert and metal now."

So much for avoiding the shit storm... Malachi ducked from an oncoming hit by a Vex goblin. He swiped the Vex's legs out from underneath itself, and stabbed its midsection before it even hit the ground. "What kind of reality-warping shit is that? Where did it all go?"

"I-" Alaura reloaded her auto rifle while pushing back the horrendous thoughts piling up in her mind. Some of the enemies got closer than she liked, so she launched a grenade at them and kicked some into it. They blew up into pieces, falling to the ground lifeless. She directed Malachi to the Vex on one side before continuing, "I don't want to think about it."

"Why are they doing this?" Tanis punched one of the Vex in the face and drained its life force with energy drain. He almost put his hand to his side, until he noticed it glowed blue instead of purple. Confusion sparked in his mind as he took a second to examine it. It appeared to be the same blue hue that Alaura and Malachi had a few times before...but he hadn't gained any powers yet from it.

Dinklebot listened to all of the ghost's thoughts in his head before he joined in on the conversation, "If our earlier scans are correct, the Vex are transforming the planet into a machine." More Vex marched out of the temple and straight towards the guardians.

Malachi almost snorted in response, "Machine to what? Destroy the galaxy?" A hobgoblin knelt down after getting hit and had a fire shield surrounding it. After a few seconds, it stood up and aimed its gun at Malachi. The guardian yanked the closest goblin into a headlock, causing the sniper blast to hit the Vex instead of him. Malachi dropped the robot and quickly shot at the hobgoblin. It crumbled to the floor.

Jarvis took a moment to process the situation. "We're not exactly sure."

"And with what the Vex have done to this place, can it change us too?" Tanis questioned after taking a few hits from oncoming fire. He pulled out the sidearm from his belt and shot rapidly at as many Vex as he could. Some fell, others pushed forward, unfazed by his attempt. Tanis' blue eyes glanced over towards Echo, who was amidst a group of Vex, slashing and hacking as many as he could with his hunting knife.

"Since we're here during the changes, which are most likely coming from an alternate universe..." Dinklebot paused to consider the possibilities, "...technically, yes."

A Vex minotaur screeched and dove in for a punch. Alaura dodged, grabbing a hold of her fusion rifle as she did. A long held shot fired from the gun, hitting the minotaur, but not causing any damage. Its shield fell, allowing Alaura to use all her power to jump up and knock it backwards with a kick. She had enough time to charge up the fusion rifle again, and aimed it at its core. Within a few seconds, the creature disintegrated into nothingness. She huffed, "Where's the next closest city?"

Macey compiled all of the reports of the cities that were on Mercury, and quickly narrowed it down to the ones that aligned with their most recent scan. Now with the other half of the city gone, there was only one choice. Jarvis reported, "There's one located not too far from here. From our calculations...it could be the last city on the entire planet."

Minutes passed of pure, sweat driven battle. The guardians worked separately in their own little worlds, taking out as many enemies as they could. No matter what they did, more spawned in by the double, making elimination seem like cutting off a hydra's head. Alaura ordered them to keep formation, but there were so many Vex that they tore apart. The guardians scattered into their own sections, forcing them out of a safety zone.

Thoughts crossed Alaura's mind, slowing her down slightly. The near-blinding sun was behind them, while a temple full of a never depleting army of Vex sat in front of them. Why are we still here? Why does this matter? How could the Vex seemingly have army after army spawn in without even reporting to each other?

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