No Emotion

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Alright so I re-edited this again, 4th time already and still a sucky author. But anyway you use sign language now. Don't complain, it will be bold every time you talk/sign.
This has been edited. If I misspelled or you don't understand anything please tell me

I was in class looking out the window, I looked at the clock.

"Only 5 more seconds till school ends" I thought to myself.

5...4...3...2...1. The school bell rung telling us it was the end of the day.

I grabbed my stuff and zoomed out of the classroom making sure no one saw me. I reached my locker and put my books in. I was speed walking towards the front of the school, when suddenly I was pulled backwards by the back of my shirt.

"Look what I caught. A filthy rat." A voice said.

I turned my head to be face to face with Y/B/N. I gave her a blank face stare. Her 2 other friends and her boyfriend B/Bf/N.

They were all about to hurt me, when Mrs. Harlock saved the day.

She let me go and walked off with her group.

"Let her go. Go home before I give you detention." She yelled out.

Y/B/N looked at me and let go of me. Giving me a glare that could kill.

"Fine, Have fun with your miserable life Emotionless freak" She laughed.

Mrs. Harlock went over to me and hugged me.

"Everything is going to be alright." She said.

I gave her a nod, hugged her back. I let go and walked away, I went towards the forest. I always enjoyed walking through the forest, it is peaceful here. I started to walk deeper into the forest, and sat down near a dead tree. I put in my headphones and put on my favorite song, F/S. When I was in the middle of the song I started to here a sharp ring in my ears, I took out my headphones and looked around. The sharp ring started to get louder, I covered my ears to stop the sound, but it didn't work. I started to feel like I was being watched, I looked around. My eyes widen when I saw a tall man with a black suit. But he disappeared when I tried at look at his face. My phone started to buzz, and forgot about the tall man. My annoying but loving mom was texting me.

"Were are you!" she asked

" In the old woods by are house" I texted back

"Come home now!" she texted

I got up and started to walk. But my thoughts kept going back to the man.

'I wonder who that was?' I thought to myself

I shook my head. Only thinking it was my imagination. It was starting to get dark. I ran. When I got home I could hear my mom.

"Erick, maybe we should move Y/n out of school, she is really smart, she gets A's in all her classes" My mom said trying to convince my dad.

"Valerie, I don't know, What if she doesn't want to?" my dad asked.

"What about her friends?"My dad said to my mom.

"She doesn't have friends! Name one time she brought a friend or even talked about her friends!" she yelled.

"Umm...-" dad was about to say something when I walked into the house.

They both looked at me.

" Hi sweetie you didn't get hurt did you?" She asked a little worried.

I signed them a no.

"Okay good" My mom said.

"I don't want to go to school anymore"

"So you over heard. But Are you really sure you don't wanna go?" He asked me.

I signed them a yes.

"Okay then, why don't you get ready to eat. " My mom said.

I looked out the window to see the sun was falling. Once I started to walk up the stairs, my parents started talking again. Once I was at the top of the stairs, I walked down the hallway to the last door. I opened the door, the walls were f/c and 2/f/c design. I washed up and went downstairs to eat dinner.

~~~~After eating all the food~~~~~

I went back to my room, and turned off the light. I sat on my bed and thought about my life. I wondered what it would be like to be someone else. But I knew that it would never happen, so I turned off my light and went to sleep.
I was almost asleep when I heard my window open and someone clibing in. Once the person was successfully in, he went around the bed. She or he lifted up the blankets. I kept my eyes closed, but I could feel it lift up my shirt, I still kept my eyes shut. That's when something sharp pressed against my side. I opened my eyes and threw a pillow at the person. It fell to the floor with a loud thud, I got out of bed to see who the person was. It was a boy, he had on a black sweater and a scalpel. When he got up I couldn't see his face their was a mask in the way. But the mask was blue and had black goo coming out of his eyes? He was getting ready to charge when the floor started to creak. He looked at me and jumped out the window. That's when my parents came barging into my room.

"What happened!" My mom said clearly worried

"A man was in my room"

"Did this man do anything to you!" She yelled


"Do you think we should call the police?" She asked

I signed yes.

"Please do, I don't want anyone else getting their organs stolen or getting chopped up ."

"Okay I will go do that. But are you sure you are okay?"


My mum sighed.

"Then just go back to sleep. I love you."

"I love you too"

I went back to bed.

"Good night" My dad said while closing the door.

They both left the room. I thought about the man, and the other man I saw in the woods. Will I ever see them again? Who are they and what do they want?

To be continued..................................

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- How did I do 1-10 but anyways hoped u liked it!

Emotionless Freak (Mute reader)Where stories live. Discover now