Everafter: Rin

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As I mentioned in the previous chapter, Ever's getting a huge revamp and the universe is as well

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As I mentioned in the previous chapter, Ever's getting a huge revamp and the universe is as well. This is one of the beginnings.

An Alice in Wonderland type story (only told through my taste/characters), Everafter tells the story of a young girl named Airi, who falls to a strange planet through her cousin's book. One of the two main characters who try to help her adjust, knowing there is no way back, is Rin, a Cheshire cat who is more than a little crazy.

Rin is of an unknown age and origin, although it is assumed by other magicians of the Cult (magical creatures that have banded together to regulate the chaos in their world as well as others) that he is of demonic descent, like many others in the group. He has cards for hands! He's obsessed with them, tarot cards in particular. Most of the time, he foretells as purposely scary future for his "victims" to frighten them, and enjoys doing so. He is accompanied by the Spade Spirits (for lack of a cooler name), four ghosts of the cards representing the four domains; spades, hearts, diamonds, and clubs. You most likely notice that the character designs decrease in quality in this order, at least in my opinion. I tried to make each look as if it has a rank within the cards, and me, having playing card games, know that spades are generally more powerful (hence the Ace of Spades being worth the most points in a game), with the rest following in order of hearts, diamonds, and clubs. Diamonds and clubs could be reversed, as could hearts and spades, I suppose, but this is how I interpret them.

Also, Rin is the "main character" of the book (yeah, I'm planning another one), not Airi, although she is considered the character second to Rin.

I will have more on Airi as well as other characters later. I'm also perfectly aware that this story is similar to Merin's (formerly Indie) in World of Ever, but I'm planning on changing that.

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