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Wow its been like what four years since I last drew a warrior cat fursona gosh

I surprised myself when I drew this. In fourth grade when I drew the Warriors characters, they were half-cat, half-block. Course, I still have a lot of improvements I need to make, but this meets my standards I think
I went through multiple designs on this but I think the one Im keeping is in the lower left corner.

This is actually a remake of an old character I made back in 2012. At the time, she was named Pearlstar and the leader of a Clan I created, SeaClan. Looking back on that though, I decided to change her story.
She is a slim dark gray cat with three pale silver paws and yellow eyes, and has wave patterns on her tail.
Starting off as Ripple, she and her mother Pine were rogue cats living between WindClan and RiverClan territory, close to the Twoleg settlings. However, this changed when Ripple and Pine were attacked by three brutal wild dogs. They killed Pine and left Ripple, at the time just a kit, with a vicious scar on her left hind leg. She ran away, frightened out of her wits, to RiverClan territory where she was found by a border patrol, who heard crying and moaning. (I decided RiverClan or WindClan, though I personally prefer ThunderClan, because ThunderClan as the main focus of the books, would make Ripple seem too Mary-Suish in my opinion). They found Ripple and immediately brought her to their camp. Mistystar, the leader of RiverClan at the time, dubbed her as Ripplekit and told one of the queens, Mosspelt, to raise her.
Ripplekit eventually became deputy to Mistystar as Ripplemoon, and took the position as leader after Mistystar died as one of the youngest leaders the Clans have known.

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