Chaptet 10

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I open my eyes and see metal bars... Wait! Metal bars! I can see that my hands and feet are tied up with steel chains. "Guys! You ok?!" I whisper yell. "Yeah, I'm fine!" I hear what I think is Tranquil's voice. "What happened and where are we?" I ask. "Simply passed out and we took you here" said a serpent like voice. "I think I know where we are" I state as the lights flick on. Standing right before me was a... Strawberry pop tart? "......." Finally Tranquil broke the awkward silence"How are you even alive?!" Tranquil asks. "Weird science experiment" the pop tart says. "Alrighty then" I say "Can we go now, because we have a family to feed and stuff, you know how that goes" I say, quite weirded out. The pop tart chuckles" YOU WILL NEVER LEAVE!!!" He says, pulling out and AK47. "Ok let's not do anything dumb now!" Tranquil half screams. I look at Tranquil and mouth the word "morph". As the pop tart turned around we both morphed into a fly and went through the bars."we need to find the others" I say, going through a metal door."We're gonna die, do do do do, we're gonna die, do do do do" I hear Talken sing. I can see that Talken and Jalzan are in the room. "Nice singing" Tranquil says, "now morph" they both morphed into flys and we flew to the next room where I saw Kalpa and Elja. "How's life?" I ask. "Really?" They both reply. "Just morph before we're all killed by a strawberry pop tart" I say. They both morph into bunnies and hop through the bars. We go to the next room and see Morzan and Jakku. "Morph" is all I say. We all then morph into our favorite forms. "Wait! Where's Crith!?" I ask. "Right here" the pop tart said, holding the AK47 to Crith's head. "One step closer, and he dies" the pop tart says. I made the fatal mistake of morphing into a fly. Then with a sickening bang, Crith was gone.

I just stopped. There, on the ground was Crith's lifeless body. No amount of magic could save him. I stared and then out of pure rage, flew out of the building, I couldn't look at him. I found out I was still in Washington so I so I went to the Lincoln memorial. I sat there for a few hours until my friends came back. "We took care of him" I hear Morzan say. "Come on guys, let's go find Jeremiah" I say, and with that, we took off.
End of book 1

Hey guys it's Dingolf! I hope you like the last chapter! I know there was death, and a strawberry pop tart, but I will be putting a second book out in the next day or two give or take.Peace!

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